Naked With the Lights On is Online

Don't ask how... Don't even ask me why.

I'm too tired to explain all I had to do to get things back to what resembles normal around here... But take this one to bed with you tonight.

The blog break is officially over as of right here and right now.

That is, just as soon as I go catch a few hours of much needed rest and relaxation.

From The Library

No. I am not missing. Nor am I dead. I'm simply still without any viable connection to the Internet though one would think this sort of problem would be, well, fixed by now. But it's not. And here I am pounding away on the keyboard at the library, noting as I do just how loud my typing really is but deciding just the same to blame it on not being able to be at home on my own laptop in my own writing room or reading room, whichever you prefer or in reality whatever I feel like calling it, at the present time.

Some guy is reading this over my shoulder. Hi guy... Want to go away now? Or hey, how about a date? I'm single. Looking. And still slightly available. Well, that is unless you're a complete fuck up and then really, I have nothing at all to say to you. I am so done with those.

So honestly, I like want to blog forever tonight, but there has to be a limit. In fact, I'm even skipping the gym to be here so great was my need to say something into the emptiness that has become my blog.

I also wanted to update my Netflix Que but you didn't hear me say that. No. Tonight is all about you my dear readers. Or reader. Or anyone who happens to come across this page by pure accident.

I promise that as of tomorrow, I'm going to get this situation rectified. Heads will roll! Someone, somewhere at the big bad Internet connection place is going to get this corrected... Even if I have to fight City Hall!

Or threaten to write them a letter which won't do me any good at all considering that none of this is their problem in the least little bit.

I'm stressed.

I need to blog like a frog needs water. Like a balloon needs air.

Letting the Sun Shine

There are a lot of things I can live without, but writing is not one of them. And this silence on my part, which quite frankly has not been a by my choice sort of thing but more because my Internet company can't seem to get anyone in house to come fix the problem at my house type of problem, has made me getting a word in edgewise absolutely impossible.

And believe me when I say that there are lots of things I have to say. Including some things I wish I could say, and some I know I just can't say, but oh so desperately need to say to get to some sort of level playing ground of existence.

And if after more than a month away you don't understand anything I just wrote, let's just come to the agreement that you and I, we have more than a lot of catching up to do.

A full blown discourse of a discussion on how I repeatedly find myself in odd situations at a complete loss for what the hell it is I'm doing. And it's no wonder I spend a lot of time smacking myself in the head when no one's looking...

At the moment however I'm not sure what I have to say for myself other than, "Ooops."

But that's a story I've got to save for another time when I (a) have more time and (b) figure out a way to tell it without (c) causing anyone, including myself, any trouble.

Not to worry though... I am an expert at making a mountain out of a molehill and the good news, should anyone be wondering if there might be any, is nothing illegal though something far exceeding my kind of normal happened.

Seriously, I should be a politician after saying all that... I mean really, how can a person say so much and nothing at all, all at the same time?

It's a gift...

In other news, I'm happy to say that my gym commitments is still going strong. Strong enough in fact that I get up before the sun rises and make my way out the door to put in a few miles before starting my day.

I can't believe it's come to this, but I can honestly say I like it. I like challenging myself to do more than I ever thought I could do a few months ago. And I like seeing progress. And it doesn't hurt that there's some seriously nice eye candy every once in a while to distract me from keeping a close eye on just how many more miles I've left to go.

But what I like best is the me I'm becoming again. Everyday I'm a little bit more of the me I remember and not the me so many outside influences and disturbances had over time forced me to become.

It's like being free.

And all those things I thought once mattered, well maybe they just don't matter quite so much anymore.

Stay tuned my faithful readers!
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