From The Library

No. I am not missing. Nor am I dead. I'm simply still without any viable connection to the Internet though one would think this sort of problem would be, well, fixed by now. But it's not. And here I am pounding away on the keyboard at the library, noting as I do just how loud my typing really is but deciding just the same to blame it on not being able to be at home on my own laptop in my own writing room or reading room, whichever you prefer or in reality whatever I feel like calling it, at the present time.

Some guy is reading this over my shoulder. Hi guy... Want to go away now? Or hey, how about a date? I'm single. Looking. And still slightly available. Well, that is unless you're a complete fuck up and then really, I have nothing at all to say to you. I am so done with those.

So honestly, I like want to blog forever tonight, but there has to be a limit. In fact, I'm even skipping the gym to be here so great was my need to say something into the emptiness that has become my blog.

I also wanted to update my Netflix Que but you didn't hear me say that. No. Tonight is all about you my dear readers. Or reader. Or anyone who happens to come across this page by pure accident.

I promise that as of tomorrow, I'm going to get this situation rectified. Heads will roll! Someone, somewhere at the big bad Internet connection place is going to get this corrected... Even if I have to fight City Hall!

Or threaten to write them a letter which won't do me any good at all considering that none of this is their problem in the least little bit.

I'm stressed.

I need to blog like a frog needs water. Like a balloon needs air.

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