With a Little Help From My Friends (And Family) ...

Acts of kindness need not be random. Even something as simple as a smile can brighten a day.

And kindness can be surprising when unexpected. Though a good surprise. Even though at times it may rob you of your speech. Or embarrass you for a moment until you realize that someone did something out of the goodness of their heart, lending a helping hand when it was needed most, though you never said a word, or had any expectations.

And as surely as I am typing this, I can say without any doubt that there are indeed earth bound angels. People who are just drawn to do good when they can. And in the giving, they give you a better gift than the gift itself. They give you hope, love and faith. Enough to keep a little for yourself, and plenty more to share with the rest of the world.


Coyote Girl said...

Where have all the comments gone?

KC said...

I could be wrong, but I think it's to the same place where all my daily posts have gone ...

If you find them, let me know.


Anonymous said...


KC said...

Help NOT HEMP people! I get by with a little HELP from my friends ... Although there is more to that verse, isn't there?

Mi ... Uh, I mean Jake ... Did you leave a blue plastic beverage cup in my vehicle? Consider it washed and waiting to be returned.

Bren ... Have fun tonight, even though you're leaving me on my own to fend for myself. Poor me ...

My brain hurts from all this thinking ...

Anonymous said...

I too believe that there are earth bound angels. Not many though, sometimes it appears.

Hope all is well!

Dearest M.

KC said...

Getting better by the minute ... Or maybe it's just my attitude that's improving ...

Liked the cat in the hat picture on your blog ... Or was that some sort of strange wig? ;)

Anonymous said...

yes that's right! HEMP as the song really implies, those darn Beatles!
BREN! i am still wondering about that Fore-Hand Massage? this topic has come up several times since the drive. Fore hand , Fore hand , Fore hand, 4 , four,uhmmmm....I have a gift certificate for a Massage that i need to cash in on from Christmas, wondering how they will react when i ask for a Fore-Hand massage, Hmmmmm??? Has Your Pumkin been a good little girl? Blue plastic cup Stacey? i am afraid i dont recall that? sure thats mine? Find anything else under the back seat? if so ,through it out!!!

KC said...

Well if it's not yours, and if it's not Brenda's, would you care to hazard a guess on whose it might be?

It's not like we were picking up passengers on the way ... I seem to recall something about vodka in blue glasses. Or was it an herbal tea? Can't remember.

Good luck with your four hand massage ... Now that you mention it, my shoulders could use a good rub. ;)

Hope your GC didn't expire ...

Anonymous said...

Shoulders?? i'm on it! just like old times. Who was that supervisor at the old job that asked for backrubs all the time. pray that i dont become the boss. i'll trade my cup for your fitty cent!!my neck hurts a little so you better rtn the favor.

where is Bren, Lock her in a cage?
does Bren have a blog?

KC said...

Remind me to get a new job if you should ever become the boss ... I don't think I could deal with your list of demands on a daily basis. ;)

As for your questions regarding Bren, the answer to all is no.

Geesh ... One little car ride and now you're stalking my friends. Real nice ...

KC said...

Oh ... So you do admit it. You WERE ignoring me. Lucky for you, I didn't take it personally and figured you were being true to your day of rest thing ... Besides I had nothing new to contribute to a conversation so no big loss ...

That being said, careful what you ask for ... Daily associations with M&M can wear a girl down ...


I'm to work since I missed being there so much yesterday.

Anonymous said...

O I C ! i have been reduced to stalker! i could see if i was like slug u used to work with.
Whish for? is Bren wishing for a stalker? besides you dont leave your shades up anymore, where am i to go? She's right up my ally. reads the ads first in the paper, me too. non verbal communication, thats the best!! by the way where is my blue cup?

KC said...

And my Mother was worried about where all the comments have gone. Seems there's more than enough on this post alone ...

As for your blue cup, it's in my dishwasher ... When I get my CD back, you'll get your cup back. This is how it's going to work. And no, you're not keeping my CD for 6 months like you did the last one.

Bren doesn't want a stalker ... And like I told you earlier, your beer you left on top of my fridge is gone ... My Mother drank it last time she was here. She said thanks by the way.

On a personal note, you'll always be one step above Slug ... ;)

Anonymous said...

nice! you and YM drink my beer with no invitation to get down with the two of you! so, YM likes to party? You never gave me Bren's number> I here you are going to be busy real soon with no time for lod friends, so both me and Bren will need someone to hang with.No post? whats up?

KC said...

Now you've done it ... You had to go and say something stupid as IF my Mom would want to hang out with you. At this moment I don't even want to hang out with you! Although I may want to slap you upside your head and tell you STFU man!

And what is this LOD crap you're spouting off on now?

And no ... You cannot have Bren's number. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

Get it? Got it? Good ...

KC said...

Now that is a good question ... It seems he's abandoned the comments ... :(

Orbling said...

Well, not abandoned as such.

But am trying to ween myself off blogger, a slow process.

Orbling said...

Did you count to a hundred before peeking?

KC said...

I'm thinking you're not the only one weening themselves off blogger ... But that I guess remains to be seen ...

Hmmmm ...

Orbling said...

Well I had so many that I kept up with, and with all the computer problems I've been having it was getting impossible. Plus I couldn't be bothered with mine much, so it all fades away.

I'll try and keep up with a few core ones, and keep up with the friends in other ways.

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