At the Present Time ...

Preparing to go on vacation, even if you're not really going anywhere other than your own home and a few random day trips here and there, can be mighty stressing. Stressing because being out of the office for an entire week means that everything in your office has to be in tip top shape. Nothing can be out of order. Nothing can be left in a to do pile. Everything has got to be neat, organized and done. And really, it's the only way you'll be able to enjoy your vacation ... With no worries.

Worrisome however is my nephew who took a nasty spill off his skateboard two days ago and is still in the hospital awaiting a verdict on what actually may be wrong with him. If the latest rumor proves true, then the poor kid will be having surgery tomorrow on his leg ... Guess I need to make a few phone calls and find out the facts, though judging by his spirits today (I made a quick visit to the hospital during my lunch hour) he seems to be fine, other than the normal complaints of bad hospital food and sleep that is constantly disturbed.

In other news, the Tori Amos concert is less than a week away and I am giddy with excitement, or at least I would be if I weren't so damn tired. These damn dreams that insist on playing out every night in my head are really starting to get on my nerves, as I wake up more tired than I was when I went to bed. Argh.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to pen something quick to see if I could remember how to blog as I've been doing quite horrid lately. Must be these summer hours that are keeping me busy and on the go ...

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