The Road to SPAC

Sometimes the most wonderful thing you can say to someone is thank you. You don't have to list your reasons, you don't have to explain all the who, what, where and why's. You simply have got to say it from the heart and mean it. And so I'm saying thanks from the comfort of my living room, by putting my writing on this wall, because there's a good chance in a crowd of a thousand voices strong, that my gratitude may not be heard.

But it's there. And it's here. And it reaches its own arms out to embrace the world in its own small way. One thought at a time, one word at a time.

That being said, I believe there's a concert that I need to get myself together for. But please, don't wait up for me ... I have a feeling I won't be home until tomorrow's light.

1 comment:

KC said...

Trust me I was ... ;)

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