The truth of the matter is that beauty and the lack thereof speaks volumes and it gives us something to blame when things go wrong. Others might call this a case of insecurities. The blaming of happenstance for all the little things that go in a direction completely of their own. I'm more apt to call it an ugly girl's reality.
And the reality is that everything is out of reach.
Sure, you can try to be good. Always doing and saying the right things, at the right time, to the right people. But eventually good girl logic gives in and says, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Maybe I should call it quits. I didn't really want what I said I really wanted anyway."
An ugly girl will lie to herself twenty times a day if need be. Building up her ladder rung by rung, only to decide at the very end of the day that her courage to climb has all but vanished. And who could blame the girl for being more cautious in her climbing when she herself is afraid of heights?
To most people this sort of logic

Before anyone can go nutty about this post, I just want to let you all know that since regular blogging has all but become extinct around here lately, I'm going to try my hand at a little bit of fiction to break free of my writing slump.
In other words, I'm going to be exploring some different ideas and thoughts that may not necessarily be my complete take on life.
So Mom ... Since I know you probably read this post and began formulating a response in your head, it's all good ... No worries.
fiction or no, it hits a cord.
some of us believe that most fiction comes from some known experience (in my case, a short story written in '90 that nearly came tru in '94, to cite just one)
anywho...wherever it comes from, I look forwad to reading your work.
More over, it applies to men roughly the same, perhaps with greater intensity.
The minimum threshold for men is higher than for ladies.
In a *perfect* world, looks would never come into the equation and yet, this world of our is far from perfect ...
But in the scheme of things, beauty is only skin deep, and when it counts most, it's who we are as individuals that's going to make the difference.
But like "L" said, it does hit a chord ... I'm sure all of us out there have felt at one time or another that we just weren't good enough or that something that we wanted wasn't given to us based on nothing more than the cover of each of our books ... And though I'm losing track of whatever it is I'm trying to say, I guess that what I'm saying is the people who will matter the most to you, and come to love you best in the world, are the people who see with their hearts.
Bren ... I'm sure you of all people can read between enough of my lines to understand the things I say ... As clever as you are, I don't expect to fool you any of the time ... As you well know, I'm rather transparent when something is on my mind.
Dearest Orbling ... I do not doubt that both sides of the spectrum share the same degree of difficulty, however in my experience, I've found that men are generally accepted as they are much more so than woman ... At least that's how it seems here in the states.
As for me, my eyes prefer good looking hearts and souls.
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