Yawning is Contagious

And a Happy Saint Patty's day to all the lads and lassies out there.  I raise you a pint and see you double ...
All right ... So it's obvious I'm not Irish and after having a taste of soda bread, I can't say I'm too disappointed about that much at all.  I am a wee bit irritated however that I missed out on getting a shamrock shake this year.  There's something about that odd tasting concoction that I actually like.  Can't really figure it out but there it is.
KC was feeling much better this morning and didn't even ask to stay home from school.  It seems what she needed most was just a little more sleep.  I wish I could say the same for myself.  I spent most of the night tossing and turning, unable to get more than a few winks in. Which meant that I spent most of today walking around like a zombie with puffy eyes and a bad case of don't bother me growls proclaiming to one and all - or anyone who would listen for that matter - that I didn't get enough sleep.
Much to do.  No energy to get it done.  But tomorrow is Friday!


Orbling said...

I have some Irish in me, though us British are all mongrels - so that's no surprise.

I was never a fan of Soda Bread, the Irish do odd things in their cooking. Potatoes are forever appearing randomly in most recipes. But they have some really nice stuff.

It's weird that people celebrate St Patrick's Day, when none of the other british national saint's days are celebrated much. St. George's has a minor thing here. St. Andrew's is only celebrated in Scotland a little, St. David's is only dealt with in Wales. Yet the 4th region of the UK has it's Saint's day celebrated all over the world....

Think they cheated by associating it with drinking.

I only got 3 hours a night for the last 3 days, so knackered.

KC said...

You need to start going to sleep earlier than you do. You
're going to unsleep yourself out. And you must take care with yourself first.

Anyhoo ... I'm not up on all the saints thing - besides the fact that today is St, Josephs

Orbling said...

It's a busy time at the moment, got to stay up proof reading stuff for my brother, and posting a long post on the sabbat.

My sleep pattern will restore at the end of the week when my brother returns and my birthday arrives. :)

For reference, the UK saints days are as follows.

St David's (patron saint of Wales) - 1st March
St Patrick's (patron saint of Ireland) - 17th March
St George's (patrong saint of England) - 23rd April
St Andrew's (patrong saint of Scotland) - 30th November

Bet you always wanted to know that. ;)

KC said...

I will celebrate them all along with a new posting which I might add is long overdue though I decided not to harass you about it this time around. Though it seems now that I am.

Orbling said...

Ah, but it is a very long posting. What I lack in regularity, I make up for in size and annoyance. :)

KC said...

So I see ... Nice post by the way. Very informative and the pictures were quite good as well. I've always had a soft spot for the Green Man ...

Orbling said...

Ah, now you see, the green man is the only person/god/thingy thing that I sorta half worship.

Well worship is the wrong word, I'm an atheist. But I do hold a great deal of respect for the ideal enshrined within the concept of the green man. Certainly an idol of mine.

Our house has his face on the front entrance, shows us as natural people.


KC said...

Natural people are the best sort of people ...


Orbling said...

Well you're a gardener, so you would know. :)

My area is plastered with daffodils at the moment, so beautiful. The cinema is about 20mins drive from me (about 6 miles in our traffic), and there are about 100,000 daffodils on the route. Every single open patch of land is a sea of little yellow and white trumpets.

I thought of you whilst going past them, so you could share the experience somehow. :)

KC said...

"I thought of you whilst going past them, so you could share the experience somehow."

That is by far one of the sweetest things ever written. It made me smile. :)

Daffodils and tulips are by far one of my most favorite things to see. There's something glorious about watching them break through the once frozen ground and pronounce to one and all that Spring has returned.

Speaking of which, I saw two robins on my way home tonight and almost wept with joy. Spring must surely be around the corner if the robins have come home from their sojourn south.

As for me, I snuck a garden book into one of my weekend purchases and will commence the reading of it at some point this week. My hands are eager to till the soil. Must be the farm girl roots in me.

Orbling said...

Oh, we like farm girls, the more down to earth someone is - the better, in my book.

The daffodils look amazing at the moment because there are just so many of them, and they've planted lots around the trunks of trees - including the cherries, which are all starting to come in to blossom (something I will write a post on next week) - the whole land looks beautiful.

Daffodils remind me of March more than anything else, not just because they are abundant at this time, but also because they are my nan's favourite flower and she has loads of them in her gardens which all come out for her birthday on the 12th. As I have always spent a lot of time with her there, it's a big part of my memories.

One of my friends asked me if I wanted to go walking in the woods for my birthday this week, might take her up on the offer if I'm not too busy, my favourite place and a beautiful time of year. :)

It says something about the weather of your state that we in Britain, a lot further north than you, associate robins with winter as they are always here then...

God help our little land if the north atlantic conveyor drops.

We have a vast library of gardening books, my mum is a real pro. Especially on ferns....

KC said...

Make sure you make time to take a walk in the woods ... Everyone needs a special place to go to to relax from the daily grind. I think I'll post a picture tonight of the place I like to go to.

Much like Pooh Bear, I've nicknamed it my Thinking Spot.

Orbling said...

I keep my thinking place fairly local, right in my head. Anywhere where I am alone and not-distracted is my thinking place - especially my bed, buses & trains.

The woods are my favourite place though, that and the sea, or lakes. Somewhere I feel less artificial than the town dwelling abhorrition of nature I am.

Especially when in good company.

Walking over the bridge, through the hornbeams, then through the ash grove and into the warren, maybe I'll see some rabbits! :)

You'll have to come walk with me one day.

KC said...

My thinking places are always quiet and secluded from others ...

I remember when I was a kid, I used to ride my bike down to the lake that was near my house, a small notebook tucked in my pocket, and seek out an empty bench at the end of the park where I could just think and write.

I guess not much has changed after all these years ...

A walk sounds most pleasant.

Orbling said...

My thinking places are always quiet and secluded from others as well, at least as far as I notice.

Even if I'm in a crowd on a bus or train, if no one is speaking to me, then I just tune out everything and I might aswell be up a tree in the middle of a forest. :)

If there's one thing I like to do with people whose company I enjoy, it's go walking somewhere tranquil whilst having a rambling [very apt word] conversation on all things under the sun.

KC said...

Are you saying you like long walks Karl? ;)

What say you to getting lost in the rain?

Orbling said...

Yeah, I love long walks, especially in the woods, or along coastal paths, through valleys etc... Anything natural, though I've been known to take strolls in the city.

Walking in the rain is a delight, happy to get lost in good company...

KC said...

Not big on cities unless it's a short and brief visit. I will always need to be somewhere with plenty of grass to walk barefoot through and trees to sleep beneath.


Orbling said...

Very glad to hear that; city slickers are not my sort of people.

Though when I was younger I used to think living right in the city would be cool. 4 years of commuting to Uni in the city put me off of that idea.

I need to be amongst the trees.

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