Sick and Tired ...

I've been drifting into and out of consciousness for pretty much most of the night and despite my earlier reassurances to myself as I sort of fell asleep on the couch that it was okay to fall asleep on the couch because tomorrow is Saturday, I've spent the past ten minutes working out that oddly enough tomorrow is Friday and yes, I do have to go to work and KC does have to go to school and run on sentences are by far the most wonderful thing.

And so, I'm sucking on a cough drop because the rub of it all is that I have the mother of all sour throats. What started out as a mild tickle of irritation this afternoon has turned itself into a full fledged throat constricting sand paper of doom sort of thing. To make things worse, the lozenge isn't working and I'm typing - quite literally - with one eye open because the screen is too bright. And I'm freezing! And the only reason I'm awake is because Octavia (aka tiny terror kitten from hell) bit my toes and woke me up. Go figure.

However now that I've committed to this lozenge, I have no choice but to stay awake until it's gone, even though it's not helping one iota. Maybe when I go upstairs I will rummage through the medicine cabinet and see if I've anything at all worth taking. Highly doubtful though. I never have anything around when I'm in need of it ... The list here on that is long so prepared to be spared from that tonight.

In other news, KC found a tooth that the tooth fairy conveniently forgot to get rid of and demanded an explanation on how it came to be in my possession. With a little fancy footwork and my expertise on all things fey, I calmly told her that sometimes the fairies leave little keepsakes such as baby teeth under the parent's pillow so that they can have a souvenir. Needless to say, she's less gullible then she was a year ago when I slept through the night and forgot to do the whole money under the pillow thing. That explanation took far more creative license and involved a heavily complicated plot of fairy unions and required days off that made it easy to explain why the fairies had neglected their duties that one time ...

Seriously, I should be ashamed of myself but I rather impressed myself with my own ingenuity of the whole issue of why the tooth fairy does (and sometimes does not) cometh. KC however tried to ransom the found tooth back to me for a tune of five bucks. I asked her if I looked like Ebay ...

Anyhoo, my painful sore throat with lozenge and I are going to shut this down, head upstairs, set the alarm with hopes I might actually get up when it goes off and head to bed. If anyone knows any good remedies I should try they should contact me immediately, though keep it light on the telekinesis as I'm trying to sleep ...



L said...

Poor thing. If the throat still hurts try some liquid pain medicine (IE Motrin). measure your dose, gargle it like you would salt water before swallowing to "coat the throat". They gave it to me at my PCP's because I was crying from swallowing my own spit, and it did help.

Hope you feel better soon - and the upside is you don't have to take care of your girl while feeling like crud. Even though you will miss her.

Orbling said...

Sore throats are mean things, especially when you can't swallow properly. If I need to be operational, then I use anesthetic spray, and for highest effect - gargle with lemsip max strength...

Incase that's a UK only thing, it's a strong paracetamol lemony hot drink that you take for cold/flu ailments. Good at shifting sore throats anyhow. Lozenges don't work if you ask me.

I'm impressed with your handling of the lazy fairy syndrone... Didn't know you were well versed in the fey - always been very interested in faerie myself. Though how much longer can you keep KC going on that line? She's getting too old to hold her faith - which is a great shame, try to prolong it as long as possible.

LOL at eBay - my dad always used to say "Does it say bank on my forehead?" to my brother. I never asked for money once.

KC said...

Oooh. Thanks for the ideas, just as soon as KC is picked up for her adventure, I'm going to run to the grocery with a shopping list of anything to make me feel better products and then I'm planning a full day of communiing with my couch and my vast collection of DVD's ... Although if there is anyone nearby who has something I haven't seen, they should come by and leave the movies outside my door. I'd let them in, but I'm contagious ...

I agree about lozenges not really working and I also know exactly what you're talking about with the lemon stuff ... Without a doubt, my medicine cabinet will be jam packed with actual medicine by tonight and not with all the nonsense I normally keep in there just to intrique those people who find snooping around in other people's bathroom to be a favorite pastime.

As far as fairy stories go, I've got more than a few and along with my angel collection, I have a large assortment of fairies ... The fey is really quite an interesting thing to learn about, so many worlds within worlds and room enough for an active imagination like mine that can often run away with things before I even realize I was there ...

Didn't I mention I have my own gaurdian fairy? Perhaps one of these days I will post a photo of her ...

My Father is better known for saying, "Don't you owe me money?" Although it should be said that he says this knowing full well I haven't borrowed a single cent from him.

And for the record, I still believe ...

Orbling said...

Medicines are not something I use much - only when I'm utterly busted, or can't do with being ill (ie. I have something important to do that isn't compatible with being dead). I discovered the gargling with dissolved medicines in hot lemony one Christmas day when I hadn't eaten for 10 days due to tonsalitus together with stiches in my mouth - there was no way I was missing Christmas dinner - especially as I had to cook it as always!

So glad you're still a believer - believe it or not, that's one of my major criteria when considering people with potential. Pretty much the most commonly flunked criteria as well. There are more than a few faerie things in this house...

KC said...

At this moment, I'd take whatever would work to make me feel better. If anything I feel worse today. Perhaps what I really need is a good old fashioned nap.

What do you cook for Christmas and what other fey items do you have hanging about your house?

Inquiring minds ...

Orbling said...

Nothing cures more ailments than that sweet surrender to the dark, beloved sleep... :)

A common question I have been asked over my life, a throw away question in most ears, is: "What would do with an extra hour in the day?"

An easy answer - sleep.

What else?

As for Christmas dinner - you know cooking and I.. Full spread, roast turkey, boiled smoked gammon, roast sausage meat, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, green beans, lima beans (your favourite), peas, carrots, yorkshire puds, bread sauce, gravy, cranberry sauce, chestnut loaf, sage & onion/parsley & thyme stuffing, think I did roast beef that year too... We don't go as mad as some do, but it's nice to have a good meal.

It occurs to me that Yorkshire Pudding and Bread Sauce might be peculiarly British, and when I served gravy to my american family visitors last year (including another girl called Stacey curiously, same age as you too, but from AZ :)), they had never had it - our gravy is not the same sort of thing as whatever you call gravy apparently.

Oh well, maybe you'll experience it someday. :)

Curiously, Fey came up in my mum's crossword today (clue was: visionary, clairvoyant) - she argued with me over the word's meanings. The dictionary and her don't like the faerie connection with the word. Though most agree with me that it's main use is to describe someone as fey, meaning away with the faeries, daydreamer.

As you would expect, this word was often used of me in the past. Never was altogether here on the ground. ;)

KC said...

Gosh ... I'd hate to see what you do for Christmas dinner if you went all out. Good lord, that's quite a feast you put on!
Although I personally think you could have skipped the lima beans altogether. Do you actually like those? Yuck.

At Christmas my Mom used to do the whole turkey thing, but it's been a while since we've been able to spend that holiday together, much to my disappointment.

My Dad and Stepmother on the other hand, have been known to enjoy lobsters on the holiday. Personally I think there's something very non Christmas spirity about letting the lobsters crawl around until the water is boiling hot enough to throw them in.

As for me, I prefer my seafood in the ocean and alive. My motto, if it lives in the water, it needs to just stay there.

Orbling said...

Well you know my opinions on whether animals, sea, land or sky, should be where they are or on a plate...

I doubt whether I could let a lobster be cooked in my presence anymore - it'd be on it's way to freedom; even if it did pinch me. ;)

Eating anything other than the traditional meal would not go down well here, it's very much a ritual. I could tell you what time the individual items go in on the days when I cook. (Cooking starts well before Christmas day - never ask me to do anything Christmas Eve, it's almost definitely my busiest day of the year.)

As for the beans, I do like all pulses very much - be aware that they are my primary source of protein, and thus are something I eat, one way or another, every day. Though that's reasonably often as TVP...

You should definitely try and spend Christmas with YM, it's family time - I've never spent Christmas away from my mum, nan or brother. My Dad was away last Christmas for the first time, as one of my uncles was getting married that day in Antigua - highly annoying timing. Plus, we almost always have my mum's sister and her whole family that day.

KC said...

If I could convince my Mom and Stepfather to come North for Christmas I'd be a happy camper.
Not to mention it would save me postage ... And/or having to drive 13 hours to go and see her ... (Which I did on my 30th birthday with two children hell bent on irritating each other beyond all reason.)

TVP ... You lost me on this one. Feel free to explain.

AS for ritual, I'm down with that ... Lobster just doesn't say Christmas to me.

Then again, neither do beans ... And you can't convince me otherwise.


Orbling said...

Can you not fly them in somehow? If they stayed for a little while you could make it a regular Christmas thing - that's what I would do. Family should be all together for that holiday.

If people don't pull their weight at Christmas, I tend to threaten curry for the main meal - maximum non-traditional. ;)

TVP = Textured Vegetable Protein, soya mince for example... (do americans use the word mince?, you call minced beef, ground beef - so I'm confused as per..) - if TVP is used right, you wouldn't notice it wasn't meat. That reminds me, must make burritos...

KC said...

Ahhh ... Money is always an issue at that time of year and unfortunately it's the one day of year I can't be in another state ... Maybe when KC's 18 ...


Orbling said...

That's why God invented the word "saving". ;)

KC said...

If you knew me better you would know that isn't exactly my forte ... I'm working on it though. My Mom is all about nest eggs ...

Orbling said...

Saving is rather like paitience, so I had assumed your position on it. My skills in that area vary according to situation.

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