Inspired by Miss Brown's "Always" ... My first and only piece of body art in her first stages of "life" ... Now ablaze with color (and a few other minor changes I made less than a year later of originally having this done) she's my guardian fairy.
I think what I like best about a tattoo, is the story behind it ... I'll have to check your site to see if you've posted it ...
As for me, I'll try to get the upadated version of mine, though she's in desperate need of a touch up ... I however am not ready to deal with sitting through the pain again. Must work up my courage to grind my teeth for a few hours.
Not sure about Tim ... Perhaps he'll humor one of us.
Alright, alright, I'll confess, I'll confess!! I have a woven-stone type design in the small of my back (a little feminine, I know, I know)...but I do have a very manly dragon on my right arm that is being turned into a half-sleeve with an Asian mountain/monestary background. I'm getting it done in TN by the same guy that has done all of my body art (piercings and tattoos). He is an old biker who goes by the name "TarWater" (Don't ask me). Perhaps I too will post a picture of it and the story behind it. Hope you and yours are doing well Stacey!!
An avatar of that kind can only be a good thing on a person.
Most of the stories I've come across regarding tattoos are either carefully planned and meticulously thoughtout reasons to get some weavy thingy, or else the ubiquitous "I was drunk". LOL
I have witnesses that can attest to the fact that while nervous, being drunk is not an excuse I can use for getting one done.
In fact for once in my life, I actually put patience to work for me. I carried around a picture of my tattoo for six months and looked at it every day just to make sure that it was the right one for me. I also sketched out details that I wanted added that weren't in the pciture that inspired her.
I haven't regretted it since ... She symbolizes a connection between present, past and future and the courage to dream.
Tim ... I expect to see a full disclosure regarding yours on your site. FAIM ... Great design. Potential for color is always a wonderful thing.
Orb ... I'm going to take a wild guess that you're ink free ...
In my experience, people tend to have a part of their body that tends to get injured more than the rest and ends up with scars.
My brother lucked out and chose his head to receive all the damage, honestly the number of times we've been in casualty getting stiches in his head... LOL - Doesn't seem to have done any serious harm. ;)
My location has always been my hands, loads of little scars and a few big ones there...
Each palm has a major scar, right hand from when I was six, fell over in a gravel carpark whilst running fast - that took 3 hours of surgery, so much gravel to remove - had to have 40 injections! Still itches. Left hand has a slash from where some clever person put barbed wire round a lamp post that I decided to spin round on whilst skating..
Any other serious scars are in my psyche, though they are all character forming. ;)
I don't know about that theory ... Pretty much all of me has been prone to accidents.
Hour glass burn on the ankle from an iron.
4 dots on the back of my ankle from where I flipped my bike and slammed my leg into the spikes on the pedals so much so that it was stuck to my leg for a few minutes.
Numerous concussions from slamming my head on a beat up Volkswagon, falling on a cement block, and just about anything else that happened to be handy.
Burning myself on the forehead with hot oil ... Not my fault.
Cutting up my leg when I smashed into a tree on my dirtbike.
Breaking up a fight between my dog (Pickles, cute name huh?) and the neighbors dog which resulted in getting bit in the mouth all the way through and lots and lots of blood ...
Oh ... I forgot to mention the piece of glass I got lodged into my hand after I attempted to prove just how much of an idiot I can be with a swim in a city creek ...
And the time I was in a car with 8 people and Dave (the driver) hit a parking lot pole head on ...
I was more shaken than stirred on that one ...
I'd tell you more but I wouldn't want to be the cause of your arms hurting ...
Can't stand burns, most pain doesn't bother me a lot, but burns I have no threshold for...
My brother has a scar on one of his eyebrows - he stood to close to a mate whilst golfing... :S
One of my friends has a scar running ear to ear across the top of his head - got an axe stuck in it while playing when he was younger. The first time I saw him his head was wrapped in bandages - thankfully there was no long term damage, quite remarkable really.
Sounds like NF (Neurofibromatosis) or is it just a bad vascular malformation? Both very unfortunate for people who are born with them - those operations can be very hard going. He must be brave.
As for the boy, don't think it hit anything valuable - he went on to get many A's and a reasonable degree. ;)
I don't blame him on the tattoo front; anything permenant is a hard decision.
It's in peoples' nature to stare at anything out of the ordinary - must be ever so tiring going through that everyday of your life. Not sure how I would've coped in his position, can't stand being looked at at all. Bet his character is all the stronger for it, which is what really counts after all.
Growing up really conventionally attractive is a good way to get a bland personality if you ask me.
I think what I like best about a tattoo, is the story behind it ... I'll have to check your site to see if you've posted it ...
As for me, I'll try to get the upadated version of mine, though she's in desperate need of a touch up ... I however am not ready to deal with sitting through the pain again. Must work up my courage to grind my teeth for a few hours.
Not sure about Tim ... Perhaps he'll humor one of us.
Alright, alright, I'll confess, I'll confess!! I have a woven-stone type design in the small of my back (a little feminine, I know, I know)...but I do have a very manly dragon on my right arm that is being turned into a half-sleeve with an Asian mountain/monestary background. I'm getting it done in TN by the same guy that has done all of my body art (piercings and tattoos). He is an old biker who goes by the name "TarWater" (Don't ask me). Perhaps I too will post a picture of it and the story behind it. Hope you and yours are doing well Stacey!!
Looks like it must be quite beautiful.
An avatar of that kind can only be a good thing on a person.
Most of the stories I've come across regarding tattoos are either carefully planned and meticulously thoughtout reasons to get some weavy thingy, or else the ubiquitous "I was drunk". LOL
I have witnesses that can attest to the fact that while nervous, being drunk is not an excuse I can use for getting one done.
In fact for once in my life, I actually put patience to work for me. I carried around a picture of my tattoo for six months and looked at it every day just to make sure that it was the right one for me. I also sketched out details that I wanted added that weren't in the pciture that inspired her.
I haven't regretted it since ... She symbolizes a connection between present, past and future and the courage to dream.
Tim ... I expect to see a full disclosure regarding yours on your site. FAIM ... Great design. Potential for color is always a wonderful thing.
Orb ... I'm going to take a wild guess that you're ink free ...
I'll let him answer that himself, though I'm sticking with my ink free guess.
Well it's a sound guess, if the running comments are "show and tell", and I don't then it's a fairly safe assumption. ;)
Nights of heavy drinking and I do not coincide, and thus I remain scarred only by experience and accident. ;)
Does seem to make sense, doesn't it?
I may have to hear about how he (you) were scarred by accident and experience though ... Makes for interesting answers.
In my experience, people tend to have a part of their body that tends to get injured more than the rest and ends up with scars.
My brother lucked out and chose his head to receive all the damage, honestly the number of times we've been in casualty getting stiches in his head... LOL - Doesn't seem to have done any serious harm. ;)
My location has always been my hands, loads of little scars and a few big ones there...
Each palm has a major scar, right hand from when I was six, fell over in a gravel carpark whilst running fast - that took 3 hours of surgery, so much gravel to remove - had to have 40 injections! Still itches. Left hand has a slash from where some clever person put barbed wire round a lamp post that I decided to spin round on whilst skating..
Any other serious scars are in my psyche, though they are all character forming. ;)
I don't know about that theory ... Pretty much all of me has been prone to accidents.
Hour glass burn on the ankle from an iron.
4 dots on the back of my ankle from where I flipped my bike and slammed my leg into the spikes on the pedals so much so that it was stuck to my leg for a few minutes.
Numerous concussions from slamming my head on a beat up Volkswagon, falling on a cement block, and just about anything else that happened to be handy.
Burning myself on the forehead with hot oil ... Not my fault.
Cutting up my leg when I smashed into a tree on my dirtbike.
Breaking up a fight between my dog (Pickles, cute name huh?) and the neighbors dog which resulted in getting bit in the mouth all the way through and lots and lots of blood ...
And well, I could keep going all night.
Argh, now my arms hurt (weird family thing, get shooting pains if someone we care about tells us such stuff)...
I'm sure my theory will fit with you - just have to use a more collective noun for your susceptible part...
Do try to take care of yourself, LOL - think I need to buy you a suit of armour, ;)
Oh ... I forgot to mention the piece of glass I got lodged into my hand after I attempted to prove just how much of an idiot I can be with a swim in a city creek ...
And the time I was in a car with 8 people and Dave (the driver) hit a parking lot pole head on ...
I was more shaken than stirred on that one ...
I'd tell you more but I wouldn't want to be the cause of your arms hurting ...
You'd didn't annoy any gypsies when you were younger did you?
Or trip through a sequence of mirrors...
I think I'm going to transfer you the remainder of my luck once my brother's finished with it. ;)
Can't stand burns, most pain doesn't bother me a lot, but burns I have no threshold for...
My brother has a scar on one of his eyebrows - he stood to close to a mate whilst golfing... :S
One of my friends has a scar running ear to ear across the top of his head - got an axe stuck in it while playing when he was younger. The first time I saw him his head was wrapped in bandages - thankfully there was no long term damage, quite remarkable really.
Sounds like NF (Neurofibromatosis) or is it just a bad vascular malformation? Both very unfortunate for people who are born with them - those operations can be very hard going. He must be brave.
As for the boy, don't think it hit anything valuable - he went on to get many A's and a reasonable degree. ;)
I don't blame him on the tattoo front; anything permenant is a hard decision.
It's in peoples' nature to stare at anything out of the ordinary - must be ever so tiring going through that everyday of your life. Not sure how I would've coped in his position, can't stand being looked at at all. Bet his character is all the stronger for it, which is what really counts after all.
Growing up really conventionally attractive is a good way to get a bland personality if you ask me.
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