Over the next few weeks, you will be reminded again and again about the difference between your need for complexity and other people's desires for simplicity. This is the Scorpio-Taurus axis being activated by the yearly cycle of the Sun, and it probably will play out in your life through relationships. As the Sun transits your 7th House of Partnerships, don't set yourself up for frustration. Even if you can't bring these opposite needs together, your awareness of both can make life easier.
Complex people who desire simple pleasures and simple lives...
A hard balancing act to be sure, for Scorpio's or any of us.
For reference, I'm Aries with Virgo rising... very typical to the standards that go with that aswell.
I only know this because Orbling did all the work to figure this out for me ...
I am Scorpio with Pisces rising ...
Which means my Scorpioness makes me passionate, emotional, tanacious and loyal, as well as a bitch with a killer sting when crossed.
While my Pisces rising makes me overwhelmed by my own compassion and prone to feelings of abandonment ...
Should I seek therapy now or later?
"And Orbling, Aries and Virgo are an interesting mixure. Virgo being kind-of shy and Aries being rather aggressive and forward. You must have conflicting feelings about acting often."
As I said to Stacey a little while earlier; there is definitely something to astrology, don't know why the similarities are there, how are birth time and place make such huge, readable, characteristics. But it does.
That description above would be a fair overview of me.
I agree completely ... I always thought my Scorpio traits were spot on and have now realized that the Pisces rising explains the rest ...
Really must read more on this when I get a chance. Perhaps we all can do a little delving ...
Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features. This is excellent information.
rising sign
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