
We told him last week. Reminded him on Sunday. Called him on Tuesday. Phoned him this morning. He knew the place. The time. The importance ...

And she sang her little heart out, scanning the crowd for familiar faces, skipping over ours, already knowing where we sat. I watched her looking to find the one face that was missing. The most important face of all.

Disappointed doesn't cover how she felt when she realized he hadn't come. Her chin started to tremble and she averted her eyes as if there were something incredibly interesting on the floor. And when it was over, she marched like a little soldier out to the car, one foot in front of the other in a forward motion and dissolved into tears the moment she was inside.

"He didn't even come," she cried. And I reached out my hand to hold onto hers and tried to comfort her with reasonable excuses. "He didn't even come ..."

We cried together. Her for her need to be validated by his presence and me for the tears he made her cry.

Why is it so hard for him to understand?

The most important face to see, is the one that isn't there ...


KC said...

He's hardly Hannibal ... That may be a bit over the top for a reference point and this whole coveting thing is a bit off.

As her FATHER he SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE last night to see her performance. PETTY EXCUSES don't cut it for a nine year old.


And it's not about chasing. It's about expecting him to do what's right and in the best interest of our daughter.

She wanted him there. She asked me to call and remind him. He chose not to show up. And I'm the one who had to dry her tears.

Rant over.

KC said...

Alright ... Sorry about that.

It's just that I hate having my daughter disappointed by someone she loves so dear.

And I certainly know how she felt last night. I remember so many times being on stage, looking out into the crowd to find that one face I most wanted to see, and having my heart break when I realized he wasn't there.

When you're a kid whose proud of your accomplishments, it's only natural to want the people you love most to see you do your best.

I guess that is what I was trying to say before my emotions took over.

TammyJ said...

when she gets older, the most important face will be the one that was always there ..

KC said...

You're right, of course.

But you know how it is, when you're a Mom, you want to believe you can make everything better for your child.


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