Slumber Party?

You'd think I'd be too old for sleepovers but I'm not ... In fact, I am currently writing from Brenda's living room where I have taken up residence for the night on the couch. Everyone else however is fast asleep, while I sit in the near darkness to type this. I guess I'm just not that tired yet though I really should be,

It was a rather uneventful night. We sort of just talked a bit about this and that and were entertained by the mighty tikes and Liv's amazing achievement of riding her tricycle around the living room, albeit all in a strait line as she has yet to master the whole premise of turning.

Tomorrow we're taking a very mini road trip to meet up with Ty's grandparents from his "other" side so that they can take him for the remainder of the weekend to celebrate his birthday, though a bit belated. (Which reminds me that I should have said Happy 9th!) After that I'm not sure what we have planned for tomorrow, although I can quite guarantee there in shopping in our future.

Mom ... If you try calling me, I'll be available via cell ... As long as I remember to finish charging it. I always forget to do that as I really don't use it all that much. I'm not one of those girlies who requires a phone constantly pressed against her ear. Good thing I can't afford a blackberry I suppose. That I'd be dangerous with.

More tomorrow. I think I'll do a bit of reading before turning in.


Orbling said...

Glad you're having a seemingly peaceful evening, though I fear you are developing a net addiction which will lead to bizarre sleeping patterns (says me here up at 9am, argh).

So Liv can cycle around the room, in a straight line? I wish to see this girl and this room, she's just may be some sort of time lord or lady, either that or the room is mighty impressive. Could be the trike, those things have unusual properties at the best of times...

[There is a possibility I've been up too long.]

Happy 9th to Ty, if I were 9, shopping on my birthday would've been a major punishment. ;)

Somehow, I don't think you need a crackberry...

Night night. :)

KC said...

I already have the bizarre sleeping paterns ...

The trike is pretty impressive, reminds me of my old big wheels ...

Probably not about the crackberry thing ...

Orbling said...

I believe I used to have a trike at some point, it was good fun - though quads were more fun, as were bikes... Maybe you have to have an even number of wheels for optimal fun.

You need to sort out your sleeping patterns, it's not good getting bleary eyed, exhausted and highly strung. For the last couple of days, my main sleep has been throughout the afternoon - it's getting weird, LOL.

KC said...

Well, I see you've mentioned most of the things I wasn't going to mention ...

This isn't honesty night ya know!

Orbling said...

Oh dear, LOL, never swear - especially in front of kids, they'll not let it go easily. ;)

Shrek is good, but 5 times in a day good? Sounds painful. Though the binging is always good. :)

Not sure I want to know about the truck, I'll no doubt panic - can't stand roads and the things on them.

KC said...

Talk about impressionable ... Why is it they only pick up on the bad words you say?

As for Shrek, it may have been on 5 or so times, but we weren't really watching it in the least. We were more or less going through every little scrap of whatever we could find and deciding its place in the universe ...

After a whole day surviving on an english muffin that we had for breakfast, pizza was a well deserved dinner ... It didn't stand a chance.

As for the truck thing, no bruises to show so all is well.


Orbling said...

Mmmm, muffin, very good. Very bready day there then...

Deciding on the place of everything in the universe is the most important thing, though I normally just put some music on, I guess Shrek could occupy the background as easily.

My brother's first word was the aforementioned - mine was 'teddy', I think I'd overstressed my dad by the time Sam came along... :S

KC said...

Awwww "Teddy" ...

Can't remember what my first word was ... Will have to ask my Mom.

I miss the times when KC was younger ... She had so many made up names for things.

My favorite was the Mokerwave.


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