The Blame Game

Just as I was about to post the post of all posts ... Brenda emailed me and forced me to call her and stay on the phone for the past two hours ... And now, it's bedtime and there's no time for me to tell you all about ... Well, everything.

So on behalf on Brenda, I apologize for not posting anything of interest tonight. It's all her fault ... But she doesn't want to talk about it.

In other news, Bren's sister Jen gave birth to a gorgeous, healthy baby girl today ... Congrats to both Mommy and the new Aunty and of course the sweetest new arrival.


Orbling said...

Grats Bren. :)

Stacey, you know we'll all wait indefinitely anyhow...

"Sad, deserted shore, your fickle friends are leaving
Ah, but then you know it's time for them to go
But I will still be here, I have no thought of leaving
I do not count the time
-- Who Knows Where The Time Goes, Sandy Denny"

KC said...

Very poignant lyrics ... I wish I could hear how she sings the emotion into the song.

Orbling said...

Can your account take sizable emails? ;)

KC said...

That almost sounds obscene ...


But I'm guessing yes.

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