Sha Sha Shopping Trip

"KC, what do girls like to do?"

"Goooooo SHOPPING!"

I went to Target and I said to Brenda - prior to entering the store, that is - "Please by all that is good and holy, do not let me buy anything other than towels and an Easter present for KC." One hundred nine dollars and eighteen cents later, I not only had my new towels (the color of musk melon) but I also had - and this is in no particular order - 4 pairs of summer shorts, one pair of clamdiggers, one matching top to go with the clamdiggers (all for KC's Easter basket, of course) along with Easter candy, one Easter egg dye kit, a set of 4 glass tumblers to replace all of mine that have never matched since I've lived here, 2 bottles of hamster food, one bottle of parakeet food, hamster litter stuff, one Rubbermaid tote to keep the hamster litter stuff in and last but not least, and the last item for the Easter basket, the newly released movie "The Incredibles" ...

And as if I didn't spend enough money there, I then drove back towards home leaving Brenda to go her own way - well at least for a few hours until she comes here tonight, and she better not even think about canceling out on me, less she want to suffer my wrath - and decided I better get my grocery shopping done while the weather was nice.

I might add that it was a little over forty degrees here and absolutely beautiful. I had the sunroof open, the driver side window down, my tunes cranked to the max (Tori Amos, Mary J Blige, Jason Mraz, and a little 50 Cent ... Eclectic mix, I know.) and my shades on. I was the girl.

Anyhoo, back to the grocery shopping story ... I spent money there too. The end. Not really the end, but there's not a lot of details I can give you about picking out which new mud mask I want to give a try to tonight. (God! I really need to get a (night) life!)

Meanwhile back at the ranch, aka home, I've a slew of things to put away and hide and clean, or stuff in some closet somewhere ... Heh, heh, heh ... Maybe I can persuade Brenda to help me with a little spring cleaning. Or course, it would help if she brings along the proper motivation with her. (And she damn well better.)

So I'm out until later. Peace out yo ...


KC said...

I am most excited to hear that!!! Now come back. I'm bored.

Orbling said...

You're as bad as me, shopping never goes according to plan.

Must get that Incredibles DVD... but it's expensive, it retails at about $40 over here, though I've seen it for $30. I want to see the little front animation again with the little dancing sheep and the thumpy thing!

It was over 60 degrees here today, God knows what happened to the weather - hottest March day in the last 15 years.

I miss the Easter Egg hunt. Must reverse time.

Amy S. Petrik said...

the other night i ran into wally world to use my discount card to buy toothpaste and some vitamins. four ww bags went home with me: new underwear, toothpaste, three DVDs including THE NOTEBOOK (which started my crying festival that has now lasted 7 days) and a bunch of other mindless and meaningless crap that i desperately needed. and i saved $6.08 with my associate discount card. whoo whoo.

KC said...

Dancing sheep are wonderful. KC will be happy when she's sees I've gotten the movie for her ... That is if I can keep a secret. Sigh. I've got a bad habit of breaking presents out early unable to wait.

Orbling said...

Paitence is a virtue, she'll appreciate the surprise. I'd say play it by ear, if she gets real bored during the holidays then play your card. ;)

KC said...

Patience and I have never really seen eye to eye ...


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