
Thank goodness for coffee. A beverage I don't usually drink but one I am finding to be extremely useful at the moment considering that I fell asleep on Brenda's couch in what could be best described as a little cat nap. That in itself amazing since her three tater tots have been blowing on toy whistles and playing all sorts of games requring loud vocaL skills.

Talk about being a downer at a slumber party ... One is not actually supposed to sleep.

Hmmm ... Dinner is ready, movies are waiting. More to come sometime soon.


Orbling said...

Sleep-overs, or slumber-parties are definitely amongst the great misnomers...

Quiet a few of the all-nighters I've done were on such events.

Hope you and Bren enjoy yourselves. :)

KC said...

Brenda says I have to admit to talking during the movie ... I did however make it 24 minutes before I did. (In my defense.)

Decent movie ... A little on the violent, bloody side but good ...

Man On Fire for those of you who are interested in the knowing.

KC said...
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Orbling said...

Naughty Stacey....

How did you manage to talk during that film. It's pretty good, I saw it twice at the cinema, and I've seen it since on rental...

Quite popular with the guys round here, so it gets seen often.

Denzel Washington was doing well last year, he was good in that, better in The Manchurian Candidate though.

Dakota Fanning was actually alright in Man On Fire - which was novel.

[Incidently, I wasn't keen to see it at first because of the violence. But the plot was sufficient to make-up for it.]

KC said...

The question is, how did I last that long before talking?

We watched Pool Hall Junkies after that, if I'm remembering the name correctly.

However sobriety took a turn for the worse at that point, so it's all a bit fuzzy.


Orbling said...

24 minutes is a very long time not to talk, you must've fallen asleep and not noticed. ;)

Glad you had fun, I'll give my disapproving look about the inebriated state you achieved. ;)

KC said...

Don't be too disapproving. I hardly ever resort to such measures to have a little fun. Although as I told Bren, I'm so much more myself when I'm not worried and stressing all the time.

Hmmm ...

Orbling said...

That's funny, if I'm not worrying and stressing all the time - I'm not myself. ;)

KC said...

Different strokes for different folks I suppose. As for me, I like myself much better when I'm laughing rather than when I'm bitching.


Orbling said...

Well I'd laugh with you either way. ;)

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