Everyone needs a good thinking spot ...


Orbling said...

Ah, it looks beautiful Stacey.

Anywhere where there is more tree on the horizon than daylight is my home. :)

KC said...

This is one of my favorite spots and one that not many people know exist ... There are beautiful wild flowers and dutch iris that grow there, along with a blue blanket of forget me nots and I have to admit that last year I scattered a few wild flower seed around as well to promote more blooms. It's been a while since I've been able to go there, what with all the snow and all, but maybe this weekend KC and I will take a mother/daughter walk.

Orbling said...

Sounds wonderful, forget-me-nots are beautiful little things.

Hope you get to have your walk, I do most of my walks through the woods with my mum. :)

KC said...

It's always the simple things that make us most happy.

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