So often, we believe that we have come to a place that is void of hope and void of possibilities, only to find that it is the very hopelessness that allows us to hit bottom, give up our illusion of control, turn it over, and ask for help. Out of the ashes of our hopelessness comes the fire of our hope. - Anne Wilson Schaef
what a beautiful picture. :)
Agreed, it is beautiful.
When I was a student, my working style was often referred to as 'phoenix-like'. Looking to all the world as if he will fail having done nothing at all at 1 minute to midnight, then a flash of light and he gets an A...
Yes, my friends despised me often. :)
You're right. I would have hated you in school, but only because I often did the same thing with my papers and wound up with high B's and low A's ... I'm guessing you aced them with no problem.
Must go ... Running late for work.
How do you manage to stay up all night anyway? What is it that you do?
I've been away for a while so I haven't been able to read ya,
Man, I know exactly how you feel about your house everytime I walk into my parents house (Only at Christmas time). It probably is true about what they say about the state of the house being equivilant to the state of the person's life.
Good luck with your hamster.
Have you seen Garden State? You should get a hamster set up like the one in that movie! HAHA, that'd be great!
Not to beat a dead horse or anything but I did ALSO teach her how to say FRESH FLOWERS ... Is it MY FAULT she happens to like the HOT GARBAGE comment more? {Insert evil giggle here.}
Okay ... It's MY FAULT (but I don't want to talk about it!!!)
I will however say in my defense that both KC and my neice are well equipped with the language of feet and toes. Some days you've got your FRESH FLOWERS and some days you've got your HOT GARBAGE.
Maybe you should take Livvy's advice and take a foot bath, you HAVE been working ALL day ...
When did feet start coming in 'fresh flowers' smell? I've yet to come across such things, but am now looking forward to it.
I think I'd like freesias and hyacinths...
Yep, that'd be nice.
As for Uni...
The course suited me, I didn't attend many lectures (took 3 out of 5 days off and never did mornings), and had a solid 4.0 for 4 years. Hooray! Anyhow, I'm starting to sound like an ass, so I'll shut it. :$
Stacey ..
Don't get so bogged down in the details of life that you cannot enjoy the whole picture .. They can be the strings that bind or the streamers that sparkle in the breeze .. live life .. don't let it live you
Tex ... Never saw that movie, maybe I should rent it to get some ideas.
Orb ... Somehow I doubt you could ever sound like an ass ... Personally I find smart men to be quite fantastic.
Ron ... As always you are the voice of reason. And you're absolutely right. There's so much more to life than letting yourself get bogged down by the whichevers and whatevers.
Now I just have to put theory into practice.
Smart is nice, boastful isn't. :$
Tex is right, you should watch Garden State, it was pretty decent.
Urrrgh! (Making throttling motion) I don't recall you sounding boastful. Being proud of your accomplishments isn't in the least bit boastful. And even if it were, you earned it so I say go ahead and own it.
So don't argue with me on this - because you cannot win. I'm more stubborn than you can even dream of being, and you haven't a chance of making me change my mind on this. And it's freaking 2 something in the morning, and it is a KNOWN FACT that at 2 something in the morning, I am ALWAYS RIGHT!
Boastful ... Yada, yada, yada!
Over here in the UK, even vaguely admitting that you have some skill in an area is considered hugely vulgar. Modesty is embedded as a matter of courtesy.
It has been my experience that this is not the case so much in the states.
Many who are close to me say that I live to argue, and was born to the task. Immediate family being the main advocates of this position. So I dare say I could give you a run for your money. ;)
Remember I'm a Ram, and almost in season it seems - so I should be at the peak of my stubborness.
You're quite welcome to lock horns with me though. ;)
Ahh but I am a Scorpion whose tail may be far worse than her bite ...
I happen to enjoy a good arguement. Gets the blood pumping.
Remind me to stock up on antidote if I get near you...
I like a good debate, arguments are alright, as long as their friendly - can't stand shouting, makes me feel sick. My dad always shouts very loud in arguments.
I don't think they make that sort of antidote ... I promise however the suffering would be worth it. ;) Heh.
As for debates, I like them friendly and on an even level. Screaming matches are not my thing and no fun to participate in. In fact, I usually run for cover when things start getting ugly.
Good good, find a cover that I can fit under too - as I'd be first to hide anyhow. ;)
Laughing ... Your wish is my command.
So much for writing a new post tonight, I've been on a frenzy commenting back and forth with you.
Makes me think there's a reason for instant messenger after all.
Very true, though I like the posterity and the interference from others that you can achieve with these little comment conversations. ;)
Darn if I don't agree with you.
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