Oh Headache ...

I think a bit of last nights absolutions have finally caught up with me. Out of the blue my head is pounding, my eyes feel like they're on fire and all I want to do is find my bed and climb in. And this is really starting to sound like a good idea. And not just because I'm starting to recall bits and pieces of yesterdays conversations that bordered on the bright side of brilliant and the dark side of stupid, amazing really when you consider they all were pretty much said in the same breath ...

And I think Bren and I covered every subject known to mankind last night, and doing our fair share of laughing while we were at it. Now if I could just figure out how she managed to talk me out of something without saying a word, I swear I'll be just fine.

No. I'm quite sure nothing makes any sense.


Orbling said...

"Bren and I covered every subject known to mankind last night, and doing our fair share of laughing while we were at it"

I say that's well worth a thumping head, and an urge for bed.

At least your bodyclock is saying bed at the right time, I went to bed at 9.30am this morning... :S LOL

KC said...

My body clock would say bed 24/7 if I allowed it to ...

Sleep however was nice, though I was up at least 3 times during the night, thumping head and all.

But at least I went to bed at a decent hour unlike some people whose name I will not mention ...

Cough, cough, you cough.

Orbling said...

Well I'm running an odd schedule as I'm proofreading my brother's stuff overnight, so he has it corrected in the morning. He sends me it before he goes to bed, and I send it back to him before he gets up.

Should only be one or two more days as his thesis is due in Thursday.

I can't sleep for ages, though I often feel like staying in bed 24/7. Have only done that avec compagnie...

KC said...

Thank goodness my little sister only sends me her 6 page subject papers to proof read for her ... Considering the usual day before they're due notice she gives me before sending them over, I don't think I'd want to hear the word thesis coming out of her mouth. You're a good brother to be helping out ... As for me, my help is supplied on a quid pro quo basis. But I suppose since Jo helped KC with her homework after school all last week while she was home from college, she's all paid up for a while. Darn! There goes someone washing my car! ;)

Avec compagnie is always good, though I must say I had to dig way back into my French resources to remember that avec is with and of course the other word was an easy guess. I suppose now would be a good time to admit that I was kicked out of French many times for talking - in English - and subsequently failed and moved onto Spanish, where I somehow repeated pretty much the same pattern. In high school, I had a tendency to be an idiot when I didn't like a class. Now I wish I had put my skill for language to better use.

Orbling said...

You and me both! I was in the top-set out of ten for languages, did both French and German. However, I got bored and refused to do anything for the whole of my GCSEs, 2 years without opening a book, literally (if you'll excuse the pun). Dropped German, took French as it was compulsory, but didn't bother hardly with the exams and got an E.... :$

A ruddy E!! My lowest mark by far, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Full of regret now ofcourse, as I do love languages and feel like a wally only knowing English (and I'm rusty on that!). I've spent a lot of time picking up language bits since school, especially French - I will retake the subject in evening classes at some point and get rid of the blot off my record.

I'm not a brilliant brother, but I do try to help if I can. I was a git to him when we were small, though I loved him very much, I was a violent little so-and-so and caused him a great deal of damage.

[Most people think it is odd that a gentle person like me was in therapy for violence for a few years - but I guess I got it out of my system early, this was around KC's age. Can't abide the fought of conflict since then.]

So these days we get on pretty well, at least if we're not on top of each other - I can be a bit annoying in high dosages. ;)

So he gets my bedroom when he has his g/f here, and my help with work whenever, food made for him/with him whenever possible.

He is the number one most important person to me, always has been. Even though my little brother is now taller than me, and more successful, etc... LOL

KC said...

I've been contemplating taking a course in Italian ... I'd like to make a trip to Italy someday and I think I would be better served to know more of their language than just the swear words.


Brothers don't have to be brilliant, they just have to be brothers.

Orbling said...

My italian is limited, just some of the basics and the food words. I know the food words in most languages - essential vocabulary. ;)

Brothers are brilliant, because they are brothers. Just wish I had a sister as well; we both missed out there.

KC said...

We're doing word circles with brothers and brilliant ... I swear I'm quite dizzy after reading all of this now.

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