And as we all know, bugs don't exactly have the longest life spans. Some meet their ends - quite literally - on the front of our windshields, or are splattered like broken yolks with one swat of a fly swatter. Others meet their ends by falling victim to a great white light, or finding themselves stuck in a hanging strip of glue. While some actually go the natural way and are gobbled up by spiders or even hungrier birds ... No matter how they go, the truth is this, when it comes to being low man on the food chain, bugs have got it bad ...
So when life seems hectic, crazy and full of stress, and all you want to do is pull every last strand of hair out of your head and cry, just remember this one thing ...
You could have been born a bug ...
LOL @ Antsy...
I quite liked A Bug's Life - sometimes it seems preferable.
You may have something there ...
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