Almost Completely Random

Random things I'm thinking so I have something to post about...

I love fall.  It's by far my most favorite season.

The Stacey's Mom song is playing right now on a TV commercial.  I was over this song the very first time I heard it.

I am drinking a hot cup of Green Tea.  I am out of milk.

Today I punched in to work at 7:45 this morning.  I did not punch out from work until 9:26 this evening.  I am really getting to the point of hating my job and upper management who doesn't seem to think that I should have a personal life from August to November.

I do not get paid overtime.  Instead I fall into a category called salary flux.  This means that the more hours I work over my forty, the less I actually make per hour for anything above and beyond.  I like to call it getting screwed without so much as a thank you...

I am not a fan of tennis.  (This thought brought by the local sports section of the nightly news.)

Considering what time I have to be up and out the door tomorrow morning I should be in bed.  Problem is my sleep schedule is so out of whack, I'm not the least bit tired.

I will be absolutely exhausted when my alarm goes off at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

I'm just realizing that it may not have been the best idea to have a cup of tea now.

I have another bag of garbage that I could take out to the curb tonight but I'm too lazy to do it now and willing to use the fact that I'm afraid of the dark as an excuse to leave it until Thursday.

Supposedly gas prices are going to start dropping...  I'll wait until I actually see this before I'll believe this.

I've been awfully whiny, weepy, and really not a person even I would want to be around lately.  I need to figure out how to fix this soon.

I bought two new coffee mugs.  They are a very pretty light blue color.  I need to go buy two more before there aren't any more to be found at Target.

I missed the season premier of Big Bang Theory...  I am sort of pissed about that but thankful I have prime time on demand...

I am nursing this cup of tea.

I think I might be starting to get maybe a little bit tired.

The fact that I just yawned probably supports that theory.

I saw a funny thing on Pinterest... I am going to add this to my photo collection that I have on my scrolling picture frame at work.

I may have to just make one for each day of the week.

On that note I've now met my requirement for writing today so I can go to bed now that my homework is done.

Tell you what... If you happen to find yourself reading this why don't you use the comment section to just say hi...

I am not beyond begging...

No really.

I'm not.

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