A Whole Lot of Not So Much

Tired, cranky and in need of a coffee fix is not the ideal way to start my morning but it's the way my morning has begun.  Or restarted I should say as my morning really started at five thirty when my nephew was dumped quite literally on me (I was sleeping on the couch downstairs) and instead of choosing the sleep and snuggle option went with the crawl all over and kick Aunt Stacey one.  My bruises have bruises and I'm making a new rule that E's shoes need to be removed prior to him being placed anywhere near me.  That boy knows just where to kick for maximum pain.

So I'm working on the coffee which really means that I'm too lazy to go make a cup even though the kitchen is literally one freaking step away.  I don't have it in me...  And to be quite honest Keurig brewed coffee just isn't as good as one from Dunkin Doughnuts... All hot, steamy and ready.  Of course I'd actually have to shower and get dressed to go that route and if the kitchen is too far away, Dunkin Doughnuts is on the other side of the hemisphere.

Maybe I need a word of the day like they have on Sesame Street...

Today's word is MOTIVATE.

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