At some point I'm going to have to put pencil to paper and start my sketchbook. Until then I'll just jot my thoughts down here until I've the courage to mar its clean white pages with whatever it is I come up with to write...
I'd like to take credit for coming up with my topic all on my own, but the truth is that there was a list of choices to choose from and of all of those listed, this is the one that immediately said yes to me. It's not hard to explain why given my penchant over the last few years to talk about homes and what they mean or have meant to me. It was actually a no brainer, as most of my choices usually are, although rightly so some with better consequences than others...
I thought about how different my answers might be depending on who the You was... These are a few I wrote down earlier today. (Names of the guilty parties have been omitted for good reasons.)
If You Lived Here...
I wouldn't have to drive hours and hours through endless mountain regions to see you... (Mom)
I'd take up sky diving with parachutes as an option only.
I might consider moving.
I'd have to rethink storage.
My heart would be filled with J O Y !
I wouldn't waste a moment. (Have I mentioned how much I miss my Grandmothers?)
We'd have tea and scones regardless of whether or not you like tea and scones while having the most fabulous conversations. (This ones for you Karl.)
I would probably want to throttle you 98.9% of the time.
I would kick you out after four hours.