More Than Words ...

I can't help but focus on words. Words always have meaning to me. Some people say things without meaning to. I say things meaning to say them, even when I know that sometimes I shouldn't. Sometimes I should order myself to sit down and be quiet. And other times I take pride in my verbosity.

Sometimes word are all I have. Even when I'm only saying them to myself. Or writing them down in a secret journal wishing that my thoughts could be as easily heard as the ink that scrawls them across the paper.

But there are some thoughts that I keep to myself and do not share. These secret words live inside me like small dragons breathing fire. But I do not melt. And I seldom say these things out loud.

I have a passion for words. The way they look. The way they sound. And how they tell the story of my soul. Words are my energy. And energy lasts forever.


Ron Simpson said...

I love the small dragons breathing fire analogy.
I once taught about the power of one word. A simple word. I asked my class to close their eyes and listen. When they had closed their eyes, I spoke one word, "orange." I asked them to open their eyes and tell me how many saw the color in their minds. Most did. I asked how many saw an orange. Some did. I asked how many could actually taste an orange. There were a couple. All from saying one simple word. Imagine the power of a few words rightly put together.
Keep putting those words together.

KC said...

Orange always makes me think of a brilliant sunset, and being bathed in light. The gentle warmth that emits from being caught in its glow. At least that is what I think when I hear the word orange ...

Thanks for the compliment ... I am always flattered when people say they like something I've said or wrote. In fact, I'm a compliment junkie ...

But as it's time for me to go to work, I must put the putting together of words on the back burner for later.


TammyJ said...

Stacey.. don't let anyone ever take your words.. being married to a word man I know how important words are and how much a simple word can touch someone even if you don't know you have touched them.. I know there have been times that your words have touched me..and inspired me to start my own blog to express my words.. have a great day..

KC said...

I'm trying ... I really am ... I've just been so busy, busy, busy ...

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