A Well Earned Night Out

Maybe it's been quite a while since I've had enough fun to remember what fun is, but going out to dinner tonight - even if a little work was on the table - was a good time. I laughed, made silly faces, and enjoyed being in the company of my friends. Many thanks to Jake, Sean'O and Jim for a pleasant evening out on the town and for picking up the tab ... You guys rock!


KC said...

It's never too late to call me and chat ... After all of these years, you'd think you'd know that by now.

I wouldn't care if you called me at three in the morning, or if you showed up on my doorstep in the middle of the night ...

When you need me and even when you don't, I'll always be there.

That's what best friends are for ...

Nance said...

Glad you got to get out..good for you. I need one of those nights desperately.

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