Reading & Realization

"She's just a normal girl," she says.
"What does normal mean?"
Sonia shrugs. "You know. She's not that quirky. She likes mainstream movies. Romance. Action-adventure. She's not into inner turmoil. She's one of the most practical people I've ever met. It's like, life is a job. She's a realist."
For some reason I feel slightly affronted. I say, "I'm a realist."
Sonia laughs. "You're not a realist," she says. "You're a dreamer who doesn't believe in the dream."

- the Myth of You & Me
a novel by Leah Stewart

I used to think I was a realist. Now I know I'm like the character in this book, I'm the dreamer who stopped believing in the dream. Perhaps it's time to remember how to begin again...

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