It's really not my fault. Not in the least. Not when a computer is being temperamental. And not when there are not enough hours in the day to do all that there is to do and must be done.
I blame everyone really. Including myself, as it seems that someone has put forth a memo that there is to be no more exceptions.
And yet, it's okay to not blog every day. Or every other day. Or in reality for a few weeks at a time.
After all, everyone needs a break every once in a while, and this pretty much has been mine.
Still it would be nice to share all the interesting stories that there has been as of late. Stories like Lucy the pup vomiting all over my bed in the middle of the night. (Gross!) Just how bad my feet are still killing me. (Ouch!)
Oh and who could forget! My knee getting felt up by a man attempting to keep me from going through a windshield at seventy miles per hour due to his - and forgive me while I take my time to point this out - incredibly over the limit and exceedingly reckless driving on the way back from a church function!
And though the whole innocent and yet still oddly uncomfortable gesture which wasn't really necessary was sweet in a strange and thoroughly did he really just grab hold of my knee way, I've decided to let it go as one of those things where a man feels the need to protect any woman within the realm of his care...
Thankfully my knee has lived to tell the tale!
These are the kind of fun little things that I haven't been mentioning lately. Including my almost head first spill from the elliptical machine that quite honestly got well away from me. One minute I was as slow as a little snail, and the next I was slaloming like a downhill skier on crack and a pair of crutches. It was a rush! Not in a good way rush, but a rush all the same. Needless to say, it's made me a little hesitant to give up my love/hate relationship with the treadmill.
I'm also digging on sunflower seeds! It's crazy, but I just can't seem to get enough. And who knew such a satisfying nutty little flavor came in such a small punch?
One look at the clock however has just reminded me that time isn't necessarily my own right now, and I've unfortunately no choice but to return to the drudgery that is my eight to five, seven to five, sometimes until five-thirty existence.
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