Crack Me Up Conversations Via Email

So? Do you miss me? Have you been crying all morning? Despondent. Sad. I know. Canadians have that effect on Americans.

Question: when you have a free moment (ha - like that ever happens), could you send me a list of the t/a codes that are used most often? Going to start studying the book and will begin with those.

Merci beaucoup.
J'espere que t'a journee passe bien. A bientôt.

It's like someone has stolen the sun without you here... Or it could just be that I have no window to look out of which has reduced me to being the only person on earth who suffers from
seasonal affective disorder in the tail end of summer...

That being said, I wouldn't know if Canadians have that effect on Americans (as you say) as you are the first and only Canadian I've ever really had a conversation with beyond hi, goodbye and don't let the door hit your (censored for your protection) on the way out.

Free moments don't come around all that often, but I figure writing this email is a pretty good
excuse to ignore all calls ringing in on my line... Good to know my customer service skills rank right up there with the best.

Anyhoo... To answer your question, study up on your t/a part numbers first. And yes, I
will be quizzing you come next week so I expect you to be practicing with your flash cards all weekend long...

If you said thanks, and to enjoy my weekend, followed with a short and sweet goodbye, you got it... Same to you but in English as I don't speak French unless I'm really, really tired and
watching a movie with subtitles imagining I'm bilingual.

Your Newly
Acquired American Pen Pal,

Awesome reply! Much appreciated. I like your wit. Your windowless story made me cry. Really. Now there are tears and snot everywhere!

I will study hard. Flash cards and all. The quiz will have to wait for the following week as I will be travelling with E. next week.

Yes, have a great weekend. Well, close. I will start your French lessons
when I return.

A bientôt (means see / speak to you soon).

At least I was in the ballpark with my interpretation...

And just because you're traveling with E, doesn't mean you don't get quizzed... Who do you think taught E?

See ya on the flip side...

PS... I have an endless supply of wit... It's just the common sense I'm lacking. : )

There is a store in Montreal that sells common sense. $2.99 / lb. I will get you some.

I will call you at home at 1AM next Wed for the quiz.

Good luck getting that across customs...

I don't answer my phone after midnight, but feel free to leave your answers on my voice mail.

Who knows, you might just get yourself a gold star!!! (Woo hoo!)

Alrighty then, I've avoided work long enough... Must BTR before the hour strikes the time to flee...

Enjoy your weekend,

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