Life after all cannot be completely serious from one minute to the next. Not if you want to have anything close to being considered a sense of humor and now that Ron has elected my blog for a status of reward based on the fact that he reads me and finds me funny (at least upon occasion) it puts all sorts of pressure on a girl to maintain the status quo.
I'm not sure I can do forced funny though. I mean if you're trying too hard to do anything, funny included, you end up being everything but the funny you meant yourself to be and you wind up being very unfunny, uninteresting, single, depressed and wondering why the only men who seem to be interested in you are the ones that make the idea of becoming a lesbian a viable option.

So thanks to Ron for stressing me out! At least I know Connecticut is close by and I can still get married should I ever decide to go girl...
(Time out for a moment of seriousness... As a liberal democrat, I do believe that same sex couples should have equal rights under the laws of our land to marry. It may not be a popular opinion, but it's mine and I believe our America was built on the belief of being fair, free and equal for all and not just for some. If I ever run for a goverment office, you can bet I'll run on a ticket that is as honest as the day is long... And just to prove it, I have smoked weed and I would have been a complete moron had I not inhaled!)
Now back to trying to be funny...
Therefore if my blog is no longer funny, know this, I blame Ron. Say it with me now, "It's all Ron's fault from Troubled Ramblings with his award giving ways."
Funny however had me in stitches yesterday when my local library called me at my office to let me know we had an overdue. Or as I should really say that KC, the girl who doesn't like to read like her Mother likes to read, and shouldn't be allowed to take more than one book out from the library at a time without signing a promissory note to actually read it when she gets it home, has an overdue book that needs to be returned.
And so I asked the librarian as I am wont to ask questions when a question must be asked, "Could you tell me the title of the book that needs to be returned?"
Now librarians are normally pretty quick on their game being as they deal daily with a whole lot of black and white issues, and so I was a bit surprised when she paused, in this really big sort of dramatic pause kind of way and said, "I'd tell you that I love you, but then I'd have to kill you."
Oh yes, I tell you there is a God in heaven and I've little doubt he made this moment just for me. Because you know that I know that there is no way I'm going to resist the opportunity for making the most out of any moment where the punchline has been willingly supplied from the innocent and unsuspecting.
I beamed a smile across my face, sat forward in my chair, my elbows propped up on the edge of my desk and replied, maybe a little too eagerly now that I think about it, "Wow. I had no idea you felt this way." Letting the moment hang there just long enough to be slightly uncomfortable in a completely funny (see Ron, still funny) kind of way before letting her off the hook and saying "I take it that's the title of the book..."
(Time out for a moment of seriousness... As a liberal democrat, I do believe that same sex couples should have equal rights under the laws of our land to marry. It may not be a popular opinion, but it's mine and I believe our America was built on the belief of being fair, free and equal for all and not just for some. If I ever run for a goverment office, you can bet I'll run on a ticket that is as honest as the day is long... And just to prove it, I have smoked weed and I would have been a complete moron had I not inhaled!)
Now back to trying to be funny...
Therefore if my blog is no longer funny, know this, I blame Ron. Say it with me now, "It's all Ron's fault from Troubled Ramblings with his award giving ways."
Funny however had me in stitches yesterday when my local library called me at my office to let me know we had an overdue. Or as I should really say that KC, the girl who doesn't like to read like her Mother likes to read, and shouldn't be allowed to take more than one book out from the library at a time without signing a promissory note to actually read it when she gets it home, has an overdue book that needs to be returned.
And so I asked the librarian as I am wont to ask questions when a question must be asked, "Could you tell me the title of the book that needs to be returned?"

Oh yes, I tell you there is a God in heaven and I've little doubt he made this moment just for me. Because you know that I know that there is no way I'm going to resist the opportunity for making the most out of any moment where the punchline has been willingly supplied from the innocent and unsuspecting.
I beamed a smile across my face, sat forward in my chair, my elbows propped up on the edge of my desk and replied, maybe a little too eagerly now that I think about it, "Wow. I had no idea you felt this way." Letting the moment hang there just long enough to be slightly uncomfortable in a completely funny (see Ron, still funny) kind of way before letting her off the hook and saying "I take it that's the title of the book..."
FYI - that's the book she was reading in the middle of September when we went to Yankee Stadium...she said "It's the best book"...Maybe she just wants her own copy? I've got to hit the library myself for the books I took out before I left for NY last month...(how sweet, she takes after me!)
Captain Jim is on his way here from Charleston - we'll visit Evie tonight...he flies tomorrow to Islip.
laughing ..
Stacey, you are funny .. and serious .. and real .. which I do love about your blog and sense of humor and sense of self ..
Humor is a highly necessary commodity for a single mom. Your blog has brightened my day many times. Then there were those times I was sad along with you, glad along with you, worried along with you, and amazed along with you.
I applaud anyone willing to give the Whole Wide World the ooportunity to look into their personal life and see their vulnerabilities and their fears.
clapping for you !!
I don't think I can take all these warm fuzzies... Really. I can't. I'm getting all blurry eyed and my glasses are on!
Maaaaaaaa... Enjoy your time with Uncle Jim, can't bring myself to call him Captain just yet... Would seed, to borrow a word from KC, awkward.
Make sure to sneak in some chocolate for Grams!
Talk to you in a bit.
Evidently I have to stop drinking while leaving comments... Just went back to re-read what I wrote and I have no idea what the hell is going on...
Feel free to forgive my lack of command over the English language.
I'm taking Lucy for a walk...
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