I don't know how to write anymore.  I haven't done in it so long that I have to stop and collect my thoughts just to get anything down.  I guess that's what comes of living in an emotional coma for the past two years. I turned it all off.  The good, the bad and all the in between.

So where do we start?  With truth?  Or fiction?

Or do we just say hello and stop with an early goodbye to see what tomorrow may bring?

Will it bring me here?  Or will I wind up back in hiding with a thousand and one voices urging me with things to say only to be silenced when I'm too tired to entertain my muse or deal with all those thoughts running through my head?

And I have so many thoughts...

Of where I am and where I'm going.  Of who I am and who I want to be.  Of old hurts and new hurts I've picked up along my way.  Of things I've always said and all the things that I've been meaning to say.

How I found my faith and lost my faith.

How I found love and watched it leave.

And how I begin again to piece myself together until I'm as well mended as a broken person can be...

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