In Memory of Mia

Mia the hamster has died. And yet despite this, we go on as if she isn't missing. In fact she's already been replaced by a hamster with no name. No name because the exact sex of this new wee beastie has yet to be determined and somehow the choosing of a brand new identity doesn't seem to be all that important to any of us right now.

We buried Mia, KC and I on the side of the house where the earth was damp and there wasn't any snow to impede the progress of my spade striking into the ground and laid her gently there to rest next to a dormant bulb that held the promise of life continuing onward.

And while the tears had already been cried much earlier that morning, we both bowed our heads and said a silent prayer for the hamster that had towards the very end of her life, trusted us enough to sit still in the palm of our hands. And somehow knowing this made it easier for KC to move forward and not look back.

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