One of the Good Ones

Now you and I both know that I don't normally post things that have been forwarded to death via email but I'm going to do it despite myself because it does sort of/kind of make a lot of good sense. And dang it all, I'm a good apple!
are like apples on
trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree.
Most men don't want to reach
for the good ones because they are
afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead,
they sometimes take the apples from the
ground that aren't as good, but easy. The
apples at the top think something is wrong
with them, when in reality, they're amazing
They just have to wait for the right man
to come along, the one who is brave
enough to climb all the way
to the
of the
And stay there.
Okay, so I added the stay there part. Because love 'em and leave 'em men are far more disappointing than men who never reached at all… And because this is my damn blog and I can do whatever I want to. And because I said so, and we all know how that works.

Back Pocket Logic

How do you avoid the unavoidable?

Sooner or later it happens to the best of us. We come across a person or a group of people who for one reason or another instill in us a grand desire to get as far and as fast away from them as possible. Most of the time we luck out, coming in just low enough under the radar that we're virtually spotless and untraceable. But there are times when you can't avoid being spotted, like a deer standing alone in a barren field of winter unable to find a tree to hide behind; times when you can't help but be out in the open when like that deer, you and your fawn are just trying to live your lives...

My solution – or rather my so-called plan of action is to be extreme. To do not what is expected of me but to do the least likely thing someone would think I'd do. And while I'm not saying I'd start screaming fire in the middle of a crowded room, I wouldn't be at all averse to causing one hell of a scene if I felt it were in my best interest to do so.

Considering how much thought I've put into thinking about how I'd handle a sticky situation should be more than enough to prove my point that not even public humiliation – for both myself and someone else – would be the least bit of a deterrent should I deem it necessary to do whatever it takes to be left alone. After all a woman who knows where the obvious chinks in her armor lie, also knows best how to notch her bow with assets she has readily on hand.

So the question remains… How do you avoid the unavoidable?

You don't...

Captured Rainbows

Ambitious is just another word for stupidity in my book. Stupidity being defined as getting this sudden urge to paint my dining room early yesterday afternoon only to find myself running back to the paint store a few hours later to buy yet another gallon of paint in order to tackle the kitchen walls as well. And sore is how I feel this morning from my shoulders all the way down to my paint speckled toes while my ass is seriously contemplating lodging a formal complaint against God knows who, convinced that it should be much smaller than it currently is due to yesterday's unplanned buns of steel workout. However my right shoulder probably has first dibs on the lawsuit due to the dislocation – or at least believing it's been dislocated. And as far as I'm concerned that's more than enough to run with, or at present time stumble along with as I whine.
On the positive end of the spectrum, my kitchen/dining room is looking absolutely fantabulous and when I get home, I'm going to pull up a chair and simply stare at the wall for a good six hours to admire my handiwork. It's that damn pretty and it matches my pottery to boot which makes it that much better than any other paint I could have splashed upon my walls. But my painting days are far from over. Tonight will see me once more with paint brush in hand right along with roll after roll of blue painters tape as I work on the finishing details in KC's room which was also painted this weekend. Because I can, and because I feel like upping the notch on the difficulty level, I will be adding vertical stripes to the knee wall on one side of her room to finish off the "I watch way too much HGTV look" that I've going for. Perhaps I just have way too much time on my hands…
In other news, my Mom will be in town this weekend which is always a good thing as I am a Mama's girl at heart and don't get to spend nearly enough time with her considering she lives in North Carolina. Added bonus to this visit is she will be arriving bearing gifts, one of which will include an antique writing desk for my fireplace/reading/writing room that I've been slowly making over since January. Who knows, maybe the next great American novel will be written on that very desk… Doubtful. But possible…
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