One of the Good Ones

Now you and I both know that I don't normally post things that have been forwarded to death via email but I'm going to do it despite myself because it does sort of/kind of make a lot of good sense. And dang it all, I'm a good apple!
are like apples on
trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree.
Most men don't want to reach
for the good ones because they are
afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead,
they sometimes take the apples from the
ground that aren't as good, but easy. The
apples at the top think something is wrong
with them, when in reality, they're amazing
They just have to wait for the right man
to come along, the one who is brave
enough to climb all the way
to the
of the
And stay there.
Okay, so I added the stay there part. Because love 'em and leave 'em men are far more disappointing than men who never reached at all… And because this is my damn blog and I can do whatever I want to. And because I said so, and we all know how that works.


Mike said...

See, the problem with that metaphor is what happens after the guy gets to the top of the tree? No one gets into a relationship with an apple.

KC said...

I believe I emailed you that I should just put a stop to this whole man in an apple tree nonsence and just get a dog...

However, my cats having got wind of this conversation (of sorts)have convinced me that the dog idea is actually for the birds...

: )

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