
Ten minutes ago I was carefree. Relaxed. Reading a book with no thought of anything to trouble me before sleep.

Now I'm wide awake. Stressed. My mind scrambling with information in a drunken shell shocked way.

And all I can think to myself is, "Not again."

I can't live with this again.

All fun and kidding aside, noisy neighbors are one thing, but a noisy neighbor with a boyfriend who comes complete with a level three sex offender level rating just three seconds from my backdoor, that I can't live with. Not for a minute. Not for a second. Not at all...

I'm out of answers on what I should do. Contact my landlord who in his usual clueless way will do nothing until something forces his hand? Start looking for a new place to call home and hope to God I can afford it? Or cross my fingers that this problem will go away all on its own...

I'd feel numb if I didn't feel so much like throwing up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh Hello! I already took care of everything remember? I drove through your new neighborhood last night and found a few really cute houses that are really affordable...that come with central air! I will have to pick you up tonight and take you on a tour so you can meet your new neighbors. You are going to love it there, trust me!!! Email me when you get to work. - Bren

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