Bad Vibes

There are times in life when you should never question your gut feeling on something or someone. And a call from my Landlord last night proved my point precisely. When someone is giving off bad vibes, it's okay to do whatever it is you have to do to keep yourself and your family safe, whether it be shutting a door rudely in someone's face, letting them know you don't want to be friends, let alone neighbors, and when and if the moment calls for it, utilizing your local law enforcement when and if a moment arises that requires it.

In this case, I didn't call the cops. I didn't have to. The two women he must have scared half to death did that for me.

Man charged with robbery

Location emitted - Police captured a man who allegedly attempted to rob a store Sunday ---- about five minutes after receiving the 911 call reporting the incident.

"My neighbor," 43, of ------ was charged with second-degree robbery, a felony, and sent to jail without bail, police said.

Store employees reported a man wearing a ski mask approached a female cashier with what appeared to be a handgun and announced he was robbing the store, police said.

The cashier was unable to provide the man with money, and the man left the store after a second employee approached the front of the store, police said.

Nobody was injured, and no handgun was recovered, police said.

At the moment, chances are he's still downstairs, I don't know for a fact, but I do know I'm not going to go looking. My Landlord says an eviction is imminent. But until he's gone, there aren't enough locks on my doors to feel anything that might resemble safe.

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