All Good Things

Life changes in a blink.  People, pets, places...  And like the songs says you've got to just try to keep on keeping on...

I could have been thrown for a few loops this year.  I left a job after nineteen years, I broke up with a boyfriend after two, I lost my first cat Emma this summer at the cusp of eighteen and I lost my Sophie  just two shorts weeks ago after nine.  It's a wonder I'm not knee deep in a bottle right now with no intention of trying to find my way out.

Instead I'm doing alright and maybe even a lot better than just okay.

I have a precocious pup (Phineas) that just joined our troupe not even a full two days ago.  I have my lovely little Lucy girl sleeping at my feet.  My Cooper kitten is a year old and growing into a big old playful tom.  

I left a job that was taking more than it was providing and gained the confidence to make big changes.  Changes which I'm still taking a leap of faith to make.  And the ex-boyfriend, well he was a taker too...  

He took my joy and pressed it under his thumb of expectations.  Our relationship was another job, well at least for me.  Make him breakfast, make him lunch, make him dinner, do his laundry, drive him to wherever it was he wanted to go while catering to his every whim and want all the while my whims, wants and expectations were never even up for discussion.  The end of that relationship was a blessing to just say no.  

So I'm not going to end this year feeling sad or melancholy... I'm going to focus on my joy, the people and pets I love, the opportunities that I still have to take and a guy who makes me smile just by saying his name...  Life is good.

Emma and Sophie
Cooper, Sophie and Lucy

Sophie and Lucy
Phineas aka Phnny



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