Words of Wisdom

This too shall pass. 

There may not be enough numbers in the universe to count how many times this little quip has been thrown about. This simple statement covers just about any stumbling block or bump in the road regardless of size.

And at the end of the day, it's always good to be reminded that dark days do have a time limit and eventually either like a spring rain or a kidney stone, they pass.

It's a little sad however that the only other phrase popping into my head right now is "I'll give you something to cry about,"but I guess somehow in my mind these two go together as a sort of yin and yang, at least in my memory banks. Not a lot of wisdom in the second set of words but they were heard often enough around the dinner table when more than just vegetables were part of the equation that like a parasite its attached itself whether it belongs there or not.

Still the true wisdom is knowing what to do with the takeaway from a passing moment. Every situation has an opportunity to be a lesson learned (wanted or not) it's not enough to simply just wait for time to do its thing if its thing is only to clean the slate and wipe the board clean. We enlightened humans need to learn.

Maybe we learn how to cry and the lesson in not in the tears but in the letting go. Maybe we learn how to laugh and the lesson is not to overthink the things that don't mean as much as we thought. Or maybe we learn that the best way out is through, hard roads are high roads, people that are wrong aren't ever going to be right, doing the right thing first saves a lot of wasted time later. I could go on... And on... And on.

Einstein probably was a this too shall pass kind of guy... After all he was the guy who said (and I'll paraphrase) that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results was pretty much the definition of insanity. I'm pretty sure he would have been a strong proponent for making sure he got the big picture viewing after a this too shall pass moment. He wouldn't have wasted the opportunity to breathe a sigh (and I think it would have been a long exasperated one) of relief before immediately setting his sights on working out a logical equation to never, ever have to repeat the experience again.

This too shall pass is another way of saying, "I have learned."

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