Pet Peeves: Top 3

In no paticular order of importance and annoyance…
  • Inconsistency and/or a general lack of dependability. As defined by the feeling you get when plans have been made and you’re ready and waiting on your end only to get the call, message, text that the other party has changed their mind and is cancelling. Further defined as something that happens on a consistent basis and is not a one off. Also see: Obviously kicking a dead horse. Followed by just plan on going alone. Also defined as disappointment, a constant let down and a breeding ground for trust issues.
  • Bad customer service. As defined by being ignored, being spoken to rudely, having to find your waiter fifteen minutes after asking for a to go box in order to get the check so you can pay and leave, standing in line in any store where the cashier is too busy talking to another employee to cash you out or cashes you out without ever acknowledging that you’re standing in front of them. An employee who hates their job and makes sure you know it the entire time you’re interacting with them. Also defined as indifference and apathy and the reason why you stop shopping and/or eating at certain establishments.
  • People who eat pretzels. As defined as the extraordinarily loud sound a person emits when eating hard, crunchy pretzels making it necessary for you to leave the room so as not to hear them chew because the sound of their chewing literally makes you want to throttle them. Also see: slurping hamburgers. 


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting again! After reading's recent post on the subject I may start again myself. Its only been 10yrs..

Stacey said...

Post away and shoot me a link when you do... It's time to start writing and reading again!

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