Automatic Off

Oh did I have a moment this morning ...

The Scene:
Keys dangling from front door lock. Afternoon rays spilling across the dining room floor. Sound of water splashing in a hollow basin. Me, dropping my purse on coffee table and kicking off shoes as slowly walking towards kitchen. Notice sound of water getting louder. Face screwed up in puzzled expression as turn corner to find water pouring full blast from faucet. Turn hot water handle to shut water off. Realizing left on all day from this morning when it was running prior to dishwasher load. Smack self in head as thought of wasted electricity and water express themselves as dollar signs in my mind. Come to conclusion that other than calling self idiot, nothing much to do about whats already been done. Decide incident is worthy of a blog notation and quickly jot done post before returning to kitchen to prepare tonights meal. (A meal one wouldn't want to burn due to lack of attention.)

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