Conversations at Sleepy Time

Golden light streaming through the windows annouces the arrival of the sun this morning, and the fact that I should be just about anywhere other than in front of my computer.

But here I am. And from the looks of it, I'm not going anywhere for the next few minutes, despite the need to finish - or in my case, start - getting ready for work.

I am suffering from lack of sleep again. Other than the normal amount of times I wake up during the night, I added on an additional two more times of greeting the darkness after the sound of my own voice yelling pulled me away from sleep last night.

Which makes me wonder what my neighbors must be thinking, in the rare chance that they can hear me through the walls. Perhaps they say, "Oh ... That's just Stacey. Nothing unusual there." Or maybe they, like me, are just as tired of these nightly battles going on inside my head. In which case I'm sure that they've thought of sticking a pillow over my head a time or two.

I am ever so happy to annouce that today is indeed Thursday, which means the weekend is a mere 16 hours away. Hopefully this weekend will be just as good as last weekend, with the small hope that maybe it will be even better. After all, one must always strive to do something better than they did the day before.

I am to work.

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