Movie Madness

Despite the odds being against me, we all made it back safe and sound from the movies. Although I'm thinking that there's got to be something said about going to the movies on your own rather than bringing a gaggle of minor children along.

If you want to get a good seat, you have to get there early. Otherwise you're stuck sitting too close to the screen and you spend the entire movie crossing your eyes just trying to calm your stomach from throwing up with all the up close action flying by.

KC, of course, spent the entire 10 minutes we were there waiting for the movie to begin by whining.

"Mommmmmmm ... When's it going to start?"

"In a few minutes," I whispered.

"It's taking forever," she sighed.

"You're just going to have to be patient. It's going to start in a few minutes. The place is almost full."

"It's never going to start."

"It's going to start. Whether or not you'll still be here to see it remains to be seen," I said, this time giving her the Mom is quickly getting irritated with this whole conversation look.

"Well maybe if you had gotten us candy, I wouldn't be whining," she grumbled, "What's a movie without candy?"



Home On The Range Stacey Rating ~ 2 1/2 stars ... Not the normal Disney film that makes me want to buy it as soon as I leave the theatre.

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