Calling In the Calvary

My body feels like someone has trampled over it a thousand times and even though I always knew that they were there - though truth be told, I did have my doubts - my calf muscles are staging an early protest this morning against any and all movement. Like an army general with a riding crop in his hands barking orders, the sensory message from my legs is telling my brain to, "Sit on the damn couch girl and don't even think about moving!" And being that I'm not all that qualified to refute that command, I'm more than happy to oblige. Well, at least until I get hungry and need to commandeer something for breakfast or switch out the load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.

KC's room is on the agenda today. As in I'm going in and if no one hears from me in the next two days, someone really ought to send a search party. My girl is a bit of a walking disaster. Wherever she goes, a trail of destruction seems to be left in her path, all leading directly to her room of course. And if you could see her room, oh Lord, you'd cover your eyes and pretend you never saw it to begin with. Who says ignorance isn't bliss?

But for now, I'm content to quietly usher in the morning in relative peace and tranquility. Well, at least until the general in my head that's not attached to my legs decides to spout orders of her own. Then I'm toast ...

Perhaps what I really should be doing today is concentrating my efforts on calling in the Calvary. When one is about to move an entire household, it's time to start dialing the phone and calling in as many favors as you can from your family and your friends ...


Anonymous said...

Friends help you move; real friends help you move bodies. =)

So, if there's no spare limbs stashed anywhere, you should be fine. =)

Orbling said...

Her room can't be all that bad, I don't think I've cleaned out my bedroom properly since before she was born. She hasn't lived long enough yet to enter the premier league of messy people. ;)

KC said...

No spare limbs stashed anywhere ... Guess I must be in the clear.

And yes, her room can be that bad. She's so much stuff - that she doesn't want to part with - that walking to the other side of the room can be hazardous to your health.

However, it's coming along. I've three bags to donate to our local Sally Ann shop.

Orbling said...

I'm like that, walking to the other side of said room is impossible as opposed to hazardous.

Just wait till she's actually had time to collect a serious amount of stuff. ;)

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