Cleaning Out My Closet

I am sitting dead center in the middle of chaos, surrounded by ten years of I'm not even sure what all of this is or how it really got here. In the past two days alone, I've done six loads of laundry. Five of it from a closet I stopped opening years ago and for good reason. The reason of which I am now speaking.

And I am kicking myself for not having done this long ago. I mean seriously, how on earth did I manage to cram so much shit into one small closet anyway? I must have skills I didn't even know about ...

Although I suppose I do have a very checkered past with closets ... At least maybe my Mom would say so.

But enough stalling on my part. There's work to be done and it doesn't pay to hide out at your computer pretending it isn't there.


KC said...

I wonder if the National Guard would consider this an emergency?

Hmmm ... I'm guessing probably not.

More is the pity ...

Note: I am still stalling.


KC said...

Actually, it's funny you should mention that as that is precisely what I'm doing ...

All the laundry I've done is getting packed in garbage bags to be donated to the Sally Ann shop ... (AKA Salvation Army.)

And last night, I filled the outside dumpster with all the things that were not usable ... Hate to do it, but it's got to be done.

God willing, I won't ever have another closet like this again.


Anonymous said...

A girl has to keep her closet clean..."talking from experience." I try!!!


Good luck!


KC said...

Heck with the closet for tonight ... I'm to bed.

Goodnight, goodnight ... And sweet dreams to all.

Orbling said...

I solve the problem by not owning a closet, less things to come out of it then. :)

Mind you, my house is in a similar condition to your closet, so I guess that's worse.

KC said...

Actually, thanks to Bren my trunk is completely full at the moment with stuff to donate to the hurricane relief ... But yes, I've already decided to send my CIGC's (clothing in good condition) down as well ...

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