Better Days

Silence is not overrated. Ask any busy Mom that and she'll tell you that there are moments at the end of her day, when she craves nothing more than the sound of nothing itself. When all she'd really like to do, is come home, throw her keys and her purse on the table and slouch down in an easy chair, while giving absolutely no thought to dinner or whether or not there's homework to be checked on, laundry in need of folding, or dishes needing to be done.

Sometimes I leave the dishes in the sink to sit overnight, or wait until the weekends before I'm really desperate for a load of whites, or opt to eat out rather than go through the trouble of eating in. In moments like these, I act as if I'm a one woman revolution, drawing my line in the sand and daring someone - anyone really - to cross it.

I'm done with trying to be perfect or attempting to maintain a persona of someone who has got it altogether. Sometimes I crave a little bit of chaos to keep me on my toes like two weeks worth of dust on a dresser. Living isn't about how clean my house is, or whether or not I've had the oil checked in my car every 3000 miles. Living is about laughing out loud, long and as often as you like for the sheer pleasure that it brings.

So get out there, do some living. Forget about the things you think need to be done, and do the things you've been wanting and waiting to do ... I promise you, you'll feel better about a lot of things in the morning, and if not, you've just got to keep pushing ahead until you make yourself a better day.


Someplace in the middle said...

Being perfect is over rated. I wish I'd learned the importance of laughing and living at your age. It took me a few more years to see the light.

TammyJ said...


I am surprised my hubby has not told me to read your post.. he is always telling me.. I don't "need" to do half the things I do.. he is probably right.. but for me doing the things I need to do makes doing the things I want to do all the more enjoyable.. but you are right.. living is about enjoying, so .. enjoy away..


Orbling said...

As in all things, priority is the key.

Somethings need to be done as and when, some can wait - and should from time to time.

Always take time to enjoy life, otherwise, really, what's the point?


KC said...

Ooooh comments! It's been so long since I've been left any that I am overjoyed to see you've all been kind enough to leave one ...

SITM ... I'm baby stepping my learning of what is and isn't important, but I really think I'm on the right track ... Now all I have to do is maintain.

Tammy ... Ron is right of course. There are times when the best thing you can do for you is put your feet up, relax and take some much needed time to yourself.

Now I'm not saying to forget about all responsibilities, lord knows what my house would like (and trust me I know what it would look like) if I were to suddenly stop everything, but missing a chore here and there won't bring the house down.

Remember taking care of you is just as important as taking care of those you love and the house you live in.

Orbling ... I'd make time for you any day. ; )

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