Sweet Sunday

I am posting from my local library and don't I just feel as if I am the thing. Somehow typing in a room full or people, feels more like a secret spy mission, as I'm constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure that no one is attempting to read what I'm writing, and then wondering if they would be bored to tears is they were. This I suppose is neither here nor there.

Brenda and I took all the kids (along with a friend of KC's) to the movies earlier this afternoon to see Ice Age 2 ... It was an interesting enough movie, and I have to admit, I did shed a tear (or two) at the end. Not that it necessitated tears, but hey, I know what I'm good at.

Meanwhile - back at the library at which I am currently sitting - I have two books to tide me over for the week and a CD of piano solos by Samuel Barber. This whole library kick I'm on just may put Barnes and Nobles out of business. I love free books!

Anyhoo, time for me to get moving along as I'm sure the kids are getting bored over in the kid section and honestly, they're not to be trusted alone for too long.


Orbling said...

I saw Ice Age 2 this weekend, it was quite reasonable I thought. Not sure tears were called for, but I definitely laughed a good deal.

Especially at the squirrely thingy with his acorn, that's absolutely hilarious. :)

KC said...

Since we've already had this conversation, I will only reiterate that it was the well hidden lesson about love that made my eyes tear up ...

Manny and Ellie had a defining moment as far as animated characters go and the lesson here wasn't lost on me, though it's safe to assume that anyone under the age of 10 didn't get it at all.


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