A sudden sick feeling that can't be explained except to say that something is wrong. Wrong from the moment I woke up this morning more startled than rested, afraid of a dream that had followed me home. All day I tried to shake it from my head, writing it down in my little black book to chase it away, only to find that the more I tried to outrun my thoughts, the more they seemed to want to catch up with me to be carried back home.
I'm almost scared to go back to sleep where the dream might dare come back again. For my dreams, the very worst of them never play themselves just once, but follow a path of repeating over and over again like a skip on a record stuck in a groove it cannot get out of.
And I am sick with that same feeling I woke up with. Dark thoughts that gather like the snow laden clouds of winter, reaching out to cover my landscape with a cold, killing frost.
Hello Stacey! I've been a closet reader..I confess..came across your blog a few years ago, and every now and then will remember to read it. I'm moved to comment on your entry because its not typical of your missives. Peace and warm thought from Massachusetts
Ahh Debb... Closet reader or not, I consider it a compliment to know you're reading me at all... So first, a round of sincere thanks from me to you...
As far as my dream, I said a few prayers after I woke to chase all the bad thoughts away that morning and learned that CSI before bed is probably not a good idea for anyone with an overactive imagination and a penchant for nightmares.
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