I live in a world where the cat chases the dogs, the dogs run for their lives and I duck for cover when quietly sitting on my couch somehow manages to put me directly in harms way. God love them, my pups are crazy. Sophia especially has gone from demure little dog to can barely hold still ever. Thinking about it now, it occurs to me I would have been more correct to have named her Lamborghini as I am convinced that she is just as fast. I just wish I wasn't always on the receiving end of her leaps and bounds, for my little bean packs quite the punch for being so petite.
Lucy on the other hand is for lack of any other word that could describe her any better, timid. Unfortunately for her, Tavi (the cat) has caught on to this flaw and now uses it to her advantage, often cornering Lu wherever she can manage to find her, when she's not hiding behind me or depending on Sophie to save the day. At three in the morning, having to somehow find my feet to get the dog who won't come back to bed for fear that the cat is hiding beneath it is a bit of an inconvenience. But it's either that or listen to her whine from the doorway where she quivers and frets, her nails tap dancing on the floor fraught with nerves.
Still I love them both. I just can't help it. For there's nothing else quite so nice as coming home at the end of the day and having someone happy to see you...
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