My sojourn back into society ever so brief as it was seems to be back on hold. I feel like I've been taken down in my prime, waking with a sore throat that has stayed with me throughout the day, shuffling around the house trying to both entertain myself and conserve my strength to prevent getting any sicker than I already am.

But what is it exactly that makes it common when your throat feels like its gotten a recent rubdown with a block of sandpaper and the inability to stay conscious for more than an hour or two at a time makes you think you've contracted a rare strain of narcolepsy?
Like the answer to how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop, the world may never know...
Apparently the new thing to try is cinnamon & honey. My brother in law was sick for two weeks and finally started drinking tea made from cinnamon, honey & water. He says it made him feel better the next day. Just make sure you use raw honey (I think organic honey is raw...?)
Feel better soon! :)
Okay... So I didn't try it, but I promise, next time I'm sick I will!
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