A Heartache Tonight

Would it all be the same - if I called and you came
If you could get here tonight

Why is it the moment you have a spare moment, your mind wants to think about all the things that make you sad and weepy inside.

I opened a book earlier and tried to read, but I could barely turn a page. Instead I sat there staring off into space, wondering what Sean was doing and whether or not he'd made it safely back home from dropping off the kids.

Not your concern anymore Stacey, I reminded myself. What Sean does or doesn't do, doesn't involve you anymore. Soon you won't even think about him, or remember the feel of his arms around you. You won't remember the wonderful things he used to say, like how cute you looked in the morning with your hair every which way to Sunday or how smart he thought you were. You're left only with the words he said last, words and actions that left you no choice but to walk away and say goodbye.


Coyote Girl said...

Remember, you are an Indian Chief, a caped crusader, a "fleet of foot" goddess. No man can stop you, shame you or shrivel the strong soul within you. You are strong and capable of anything you set your mind to and that includes taking new, yet undiscovered roads to a better place and a more equal partnership. Let your true spirit rise up and lead you on.

KC said...

Ach ...

Well, at least I can now go no holds barred in the book. Any resemblance to people either living or related to me must be purely coincidental ... Insert evil snippet of laugh here.

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