Room With a View

Missed a post last night. Ask me how guilty I am feeling about that ...

Thanks to those who took the time to check on the status of my health ... I am happy to report that I am alive and kicking. Although I did promise my Mom that should the symptons arise again, I will be sure to schedule (shudder) a visit with the doctor.

Anyhoo, absolutely nothing has happened. Although work has been quite busy this week considering the Memorial Day holiday coming up. (3 day weekend.)

I did however meet one of my favorite customers today. He dropped in to say hello and thanks for a special order I rushed through for him. All I could think of as I stood there with a stupid smile plastered on my face was hubba, hubba, hubba. And though I considered proposing marriage right then and there, I opted to keep that idea to myself for the time being. (Mental note to self ... Flirt more often with Greg.)

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