You Don't Bring Me Flowers ...

So I haven't blogged in three days. And coming home tonight - though despite the lateness of the hour - I've come to the conclusion that I'm feeling mighty guilty for abandoning my blog these past few weeks.

Life is my excuse.

The busy. The crazy. The hectic. The stressful. It all seems to be adding up lately. Personal. Professional. Emotional. You name it, I've ran the gamet of a wide variety of overstimulation situations.

Right now however, I'm tired. And without much say from me, my eyes are beginning to close. So even though I haven't managed to say anything wise, witty or clever, I am to bed.

Perhaps tomorrow they'll be a story or two to share ...


Orbling said...

I'm barred from complaining about a lag of blogging, due to the number of people that would assault me if I dared to be so hypocritical.

I must post something soon...

Melody said...

I'll definitely check back to read some of those witty stories that you have promised....sleep well.

Anonymous said...

one of my fav songs, from my younger years.... "YOU DON'T BRING ME FLOWERS, anymore"



KC said...

Yes, Orbling ... You really should post something soon. I'm not one for pointing fingers but you're blog is beginning to look quite abandoned.

Meoldy ... I hope I can live up to your expectations. I'll have to try harder to have something interesting happen ... Well, that I can blog about anyway. ;)

FAIM ... I've been meaning to comment on that intereactive art blog you did the other day, but can't quite get my mind wrapped around that picture. I think I may be better with words than art.

ST ... Heading over to your blog just after I'm done here to see what interesting things you're developing ...

Anon "M" ... I still like that song even though it's an oldie ... Then again, my Mother raised me on Babs and I've got a want to be Barabara complex that I just can't seem to shake.

Going to have to pop over to your blog and see if you've made any decisions on your location.

Oh and Orbling ... Thanks for the flowers. ;)

Orbling said...

It's not abandoned, I'm just slow...

Very slow.

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